Peter Sandilands
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Cited by
Harmonic parameterization by electrostatics
H Wang, KA Sidorov, P Sandilands, T Komura
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 32 (5), 1-12, 2013
Point Light Source Estimation based on Scenes Recorded by a RGB-D camera
B Boom, S Orts-Escolano, X Ning, S McDonagh, P Sandilands, R Fisher
British Machine Vision Conference 2013, 2013
Interactive light source position estimation for augmented reality with an RGB‐D camera
BJ Boom, S Orts‐Escolano, XX Ning, S McDonagh, P Sandilands, ...
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 28 (1), e1686, 2017
Interaction capture using magnetic sensors
P Sandilands, MG Choi, T Komura
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 24 (6), 527-538, 2013
Capturing close interactions with objects using a magnetic motion capture system and a RGBD sensor
P Sandilands, MG Choi, T Komura
Motion in Games: 5th International Conference, MIG 2012, Rennes, France …, 2012
Dexterous Reaching, Grasp Transfer and Planning Using Electrostatic Representations
P Sandilands, V Ivan, T Komura, S Vijayakumar
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robotics, 2013
Learning 3D Global Human Motion Estimation from Unpaired, Disjoint Datasets.
J Habekost, T Shiratori, Y Ye, T Komura, M Shi, K Aberman, A Aristidou, ...
BMVC, 2020
Model topology change with correspondence using electrostatics
P Sandilands, T Komura
Proceedings of the 20th ACM symposium on virtual reality software and …, 2014
Capture and generalisation of close interaction with objects
PJ Sandilands
The University of Edinburgh, 2015
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Articles 1–9