F. A. Serrano
F. A. Serrano
Academico, ESIME Culhuacan
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Qiang–Dong proper quantization rule and its applications to exactly solvable quantum systems
FA Serrano, XY Gu, SH Dong
Journal of mathematical physics 51 (8), 2010
Fisher information for the position-dependent mass Schrödinger system
BJ Falaye, FA Serrano, SH Dong
Physics Letters A 380 (1-2), 267-271, 2016
Information-theoretic measures for a solitonic profile mass Schrödinger equation with a squared hyperbolic cosecant potential
FA Serrano, BJ Falaye, SH Dong
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 446, 152-157, 2016
Proper quantization rule as a good candidate to semiclassical quantization rules
FA Serrano, M Cruz‐Irisson, SH Dong
Annalen der Physik 523 (10), 771-782, 2011
Semiexact solutions of the Razavy potential
Q Dong, FA Serrano, GH Sun, J Jing, SH Dong
Advances in High Energy Physics 2018 (1), 9105825, 2018
Proper quantization rule approach to three‐dimensional quantum dots
FA Serrano, SH Dong
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 113 (20), 2282-2286, 2013
Hydrogen surface passivation of Si and Ge nanowires: A semiempirical approach
A Miranda, FA Serrano, R Vázquez‐Medina, M Cruz‐Irisson
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 110 (13), 2448-2454, 2010
Set-membership affine projection-like algorithm with evolving order
JG Avalos, J Mendoza, FA Serrano, G Avalos
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (3), 770-776, 2018
Quantum wireless multihop teleportation via 4-qubit cluster state
MDG Ramırez, C Nwachioma, A Grace
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.00087, 2017
Cálculo de la distribución de temperatura de electrones y fonones en enfriamiento termoeléctrico
FA Serrano, GN Logvinov
Superficies y vacío 23 (1), 1-5, 2010
Optical vibrational states of diamond nanocrsytals
FA Serrano, LN de Rivera, V Ponomaryov, M Cruz-Irisson
2009 52nd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 864-868, 2009
Nanoelectronic properties of Si and Ge: A semi-empirical approximation
A Miranda, FA Serrano, R Vazquez-Medina, M Cruz-Irisson
2009 52nd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 859-863, 2009
Jesus Audelo gonzalez and Georgiy Logvinov, Linear Theory of Thermoelectric cooling based on the Peltier Effect
OA Fragoso, FAS Orozco
Proceedings of ICEEE and CIE, 235, 2005
Enfoque de dos temperaturas como una aproximación al problema del enfriamiento termoeléctrico
FA Serrano Orozco
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Articles 1–14