Pascale Zaraté
Pascale Zaraté
Toulouse University - Professor - IRIT - TMBI
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Cited by
A combined compromise solution (CoCoSo) method for multi-criteria decision-making problems
M Yazdani, P Zarate, E Kazimieras Zavadskas, Z Turskis
Management decision 57 (9), 2501-2519, 2019
A group decision making support system in logistics and supply chain management
M Yazdani, P Zarate, A Coulibaly, EK Zavadskas
Expert systems with Applications 88, 376-392, 2017
A fuzzy multi attribute decision framework with integration of QFD and grey relational analysis
M Yazdani, C Kahraman, P Zarate, SC Onar
Expert Systems with Applications 115, 474-485, 2019
Encyclopedia of decision making and decision support technologies
F Adam, P Humphreys
IGI Global, 2008
A VIKOR and TOPSIS focused reanalysis of the MADM methods based on logarithmic normalization
S Zolfani, M Yazdani, D Pamucar, P Zarate
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.08150, 2020
Tools for collaborative decision-making
P Zaraté
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
A proposal of toolkit for GDSS facilitators
A Adla, P Zarate, JL Soubie
Group Decision and Negotiation 20, 57-77, 2011
A new trend for knowledge-based decision support systems design
P Zaraté, S Liu
International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences 8 (3), 305-324, 2016
Energy planning: a multi-level and multicriteria decision making structure proposal
R Thery, P Zarate
Central European Journal of Operations Research 17, 265-274, 2009
INCOME–multi-scale context management for the internet of things
JP Arcangeli, A Bouzeghoub, V Camps, MF Canut, S Chabridon, ...
Ambient Intelligence: Third International Joint Conference, AmI 2012, Pisa …, 2012
A co-operative intelligent decision support system for boilers combustion management based on a distributed architecture
A Adla, JL Soubie, P Zarate
Journal of decision systems 16 (2), 241-263, 2007
A decision support system for evaluation of the knowledge sharing crossing boundaries in agri-food value chains
BM Boshkoska, S Liu, G Zhao, A Fernandez, S Gamboa, M Del Pino, ...
Computers in Industry 110, 64-80, 2019
Collaborative decision making: Perspectives and challenges
P Zaraté, JP Belaud, G Camilleri
IOS Press, 2008
Knowledge based decision support systems: A survey on technologies and application domains
S Liu, P Zaraté
Group Decision and Negotiation. A Process-Oriented View: Joint INFORMS-GDN …, 2014
Des Systèmes Interactifs d'Aide à la Décision aux Systèmes Coopératifs d'Aide à la Décision: Contributions conceptuelles et fonctionnelles
P Zaraté
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse-INPT, 2005
Data visualization for decision-making: an important issue
C Burnay, F Dargam, P Zarate
Operational Research 19, 853-855, 2019
A cooperative intelligent decision support system
A Adla, P Zarate
2006 International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 1 …, 2006
Distributed decision making: a proposal of support through cooperative systems
JL Soubie, P ZaratÉ
Group Decision and Negotiation 14 (2), 147-158, 2005
Collaborative decision-making and decision support systems for enhancing operations management in industrial environments
JE Hernández, AC Lyons, P Zarate, F Dargam
Production Planning & Control 25 (8), 636-638, 2014
An overview of supports for Collective Decision Making
P Zaraté, JL Soubie
Journal of Decision Systems 13 (2), 211-221, 2004
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Articles 1–20