Marcos Dono
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Citado por
The importance of protesters’ morals: Moral obligation as a key variable to understand collective action
JM Sabucedo, M Dono, M Alzate, G Seoane
Frontiers in psychology 9, 418, 2018
Reconciliación social como estrategia para la transformación de los conflictos sociopolíticos, variables asociadas e instrumentos de medición
M Alzate, M Dono
Universitas Psychologica 16 (3), 16-25, 2017
Positive associations between anomia and intentions to engage in political violence: Cross-cultural evidence from four countries.
J Adam-Troian, E Bonetto, M Araujo, O Baidada, E Celebi, M Dono Martin, ...
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 26 (2), 217, 2020
Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search
P Brown, Y Zhou
Database 2019, baz085, 2019
Testing common knowledge: Are northern Europeans and millennials more concerned about the environment?
C Gómez-Román, ML Lima, G Seoane, M Alzate, M Dono, JM Sabucedo
Sustainability 13 (1), 45, 2020
Axiological-Identitary Collective Action Model (AICAM): A new integrative perspective in the analysis of protest
JM Sabucedo, M Dono, D Grigoryev, C Gomez-Roman, M Alzate
PloS one 14 (6), e0218350, 2019
Radicalización ideológico-política y terrorismo: un enfoque psicosocial
J Torres-Marín, G Navarro-Carrillo, M Dono, HM Trujillo
Escritos de Psicología (Internet) 10 (2), 134-146, 2017
Development and validation of the Monopoly on Truth Scale: A measure of political extremism
M Dono Martín, M Alzate García, G Seoane Pesqueira, ...
Psicothema, 2018
‘I know what is best for you better than you do’: cross-cultural evidence of the association between Monopoly on Truth and extremism (‘Yo sé mejor que tú lo que es mejor para …
M Dono, M Alzate, MI Barreto-Galeano, D Uhng-Hur, JM Sabucedo
International Journal of Social Psychology 37 (3), 504-528, 2022
Predicting collective action in a secessionist context: different motives for two opposed stances
M Dono, M Alzate, JM Sabucedo
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 700530, 2021
The Covid-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Environmental Attitudes
C Gómez-Román, M Dono, S Vila-Tojo, JM Sabucedo
Sustainability and Ecological Transition in the Post-covid Era, 220, 2023
Collective action against corruption in Western and non-Western countries: cross-cultural implications of the Axiological-Identitary Collective Action Model
D Grigoryev, A Gallyamova, LG Conway III, A Zubrod, JM Sabucedo, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 15, 1269552, 2024
Radicalism, extremism, other? Developing and validating the Adolescent Radicalization Outcomes Questionnaire (AROQ)
J Reiter, M Dono, M Lüftenegger, E Botes
PsyArXiv, 2023
Slicing the gordian knot of political extremism: Issues and potential solutions regarding its conceptualization and terminology
M Dono, M Alzate, JM Sabucedo
Journal of Social and Political Psychology 12 (1), 140-156, 2024
A Fight Against All Odds? The Causal Effects of Perceived Political Efficacy and Protest Repression on Motivation to Engage in Normative and Non-normative Climate Protest
M Dono, A Ayanian, N Tausch
Enter the Matrix: Examining the Psychosocial Determinants of Support for a Technocracy of Artificial Intelligence
E Moreno-Bella, M Dono
OSF, 2024
Only my truth can save us all: The impact of socioeconomic threat and its emotional appraisals on the monopoly on truth and political extremism
M Dono, M Alzate, JM Sabucedo
Psicothema 36 (1), 55-63, 2024
Axiological Factors as Motives for Political Action
M Dono Martín
Axiological Factors as Motives for Political Action, 2021
Radicalismo ou extremismo? Ás cousas polo seu nome
M Dono
Mazarelos: revista de Historia e cultura, 20-28, 2020
EASP–European Association of Social Psychology
E Moreno-Bella, M Dono
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Artículos 1–20