Eric M. Rivera Muñoz (ORCID: 0000-0003-1413-9065)
Eric M. Rivera Muñoz (ORCID: 0000-0003-1413-9065)
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Cited by
Synthesis of hydroxyapatite from eggshells
EM Rivera, M Araiza, W Brostow, VM Castano, JR Dıaz-Estrada, ...
Materials Letters 41 (3), 128-134, 1999
Effect of the nano crystal size on the X-ray diffraction patterns of biogenic hydroxyapatite from human, bovine, and porcine bones
SM Londoño-Restrepo, R Jeronimo-Cruz, BM Millán-Malo, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 5915, 2019
SBA-15 mesoporous silica as catalytic support for hydrodesulfurization catalysts
R Huirache-Acuña, R Nava, CL Peza-Ledesma, J Lara-Romero, ...
Materials 6 (9), 4139-4167, 2013
Hydroxyapatite-based materials: synthesis and characterization
EM Rivera-Muñoz
Biomedical Engineering-Frontiers and Challenges, 75-98, 2011
Ceramic biomaterials: an introductory overview
A Sáenz, E Rivera, W Brostow, VM Castaño
Journal of Materials Education 21 (5/6), 267-276, 1999
Comparison of the morphology and HDS activity of ternary Co-Mo-W catalysts supported on P-modified SBA-15 and SBA-16 substrates
R Huirache-Acuña, B Pawelec, E Rivera-Muñoz, R Nava, J Espino, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 92 (1-2), 168-184, 2009
Sol gel-derived SBA-16 mesoporous material
EM Rivera-Muñoz, R Huirache-Acuña
International journal of molecular sciences 11 (9), 3069-3086, 2010
Evaluation of oxalates and calcium in nopal pads (Opuntia ficus-indica var. redonda) at different maturity stages
M Contreras-Padilla, E Perez-Torrero, MI Hernández-Urbiola, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (1), 38-43, 2011
Physicochemical and rheological characterization of Opuntia ficus mucilage at three different maturity stages of cladode
M Contreras-Padilla, ME Rodríguez-García, E Gutiérrez-Cortez, ...
European Polymer Journal 78, 226-234, 2016
Comparison of the morphology and HDS activity of ternary Ni (Co)-Mo-W catalysts supported on Al-HMS and Al-SBA-16 substrates
R Huirache-Acuña, B Pawelec, CV Loricera, EM Rivera-Muñoz, R Nava, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 125, 473-485, 2012
Comparison of physicochemical properties of bio and commercial hydroxyapatite
AL Giraldo-Betancur, DG Espinosa-Arbelaez, A del Real-López, ...
Current Applied Physics 13 (7), 1383-1390, 2013
Wet chemical synthesis of hydroxyapatite particles from nonstoichiometric solutions
A Lopez-Macipe, R Rodriguez-Clemente, A Hidalgo-Lopez, I Arita, ...
Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing 6, 21-26, 1998
Transparent electrodes: A review of the use of carbon‐based nanomaterials
EJ López-Naranjo, LJ González-Ortiz, LM Apátiga, EM Rivera-Muñoz, ...
Journal of Nanomaterials 2016 (1), 4928365, 2016
Characterization and HDS performance of sulfided CoMoW catalysts supported on mesoporous Al-SBA-16 substrates
R Huirache-Acuña, TA Zepeda, EM Rivera-Muñoz, R Nava, CV Loricera, ...
Fuel 149, 149-161, 2015
Characterization of crystalline structures in Opuntia ficus-indica
M Contreras-Padilla, EM Rivera-Muñoz, E Gutiérrez-Cortez, ...
Journal of biological physics 41, 99-112, 2015
Crystal growth and structural analysis of hydroxyapatite nanofibers synthesized by the hydrothermal microwave-assisted method
N Méndez-Lozano, R Velázquez-Castillo, EM Rivera-Muñoz, ...
Ceramics International 43 (1), 451-457, 2017
Indicadores para la caracterización y ordenamiento del territorio
JL Palacio, MT Sánchez, JM Casado, E Propin, F Delgado, CA Velázquez, ...
México, DF: Instituto Nacional de Ecología-SEMARNAT, Instituto de Geografía …, 2004
Hydroxyapatite spheres with controlled porosity for eye ball prosthesis: processing and characterization
E Rivera-Mun~ oz, JR Di´ az, J Rogelio Rodri´ guez, W Brostow, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 12 (4), 305-311, 2001
Chitosan-hydroxyapatite nanocomposites: Effect of interfacial layer on mechanical and dielectric properties
GB Alejandro Gomez Sanchez, Evgen Prokhorov, Gabriel Luna-Barcenas, Alma G ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 217, 151-159, 2018
Thermal energy storage by the encapsulation of phase change materials in building elements—a review
JL Reyez-Araiza, J Pineda-Piñón, JM López-Romero, JR Gasca-Tirado, ...
Materials 14 (6), 1420, 2021
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Articles 1–20