Arni Kristjansson
Arni Kristjansson
Professor of Vision Science, University of Iceland
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Where perception meets memory: A review of repetition priming in visual search tasks
Á Kristjánsson, G Campana
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 72 (1), 5-18, 2010
The role of priming in conjunctive visual search
A Kristjánsson, DL Wang, K Nakayama
Cognition 85 (1), 37-52, 2002
Priming in visual search: Separating the effects of target repetition, distractor repetition and role-reversal
A kristjansson, J Driver
Vision Research 48, 1217-1232, 2008
An internationally standardised antisaccade protocol
C Antoniades, U Ettinger, B Gaymard, I Gilchrist, A Kristjánsson, ...
Vision research 84, 1-5, 2013
Fortune and reversals of fortune in visual search: Reward contingencies for pop-out targets affect search efficiency and target repetition effects
Á Kristjánsson, Ó Sigurjónsdóttir, J Driver
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 72, 1229-1236, 2010
Efficient visual search without top-down or bottom-up guidance
DL Wang, A Kristjansson, K Nakayama
Perception & Psychophysics 67, 239-253, 2005
Neural basis for priming of pop-out during visual search revealed with fMRI
Á Kristjánsson, P Vuilleumier, S Schwartz, E Macaluso, J Driver
Cerebral cortex 17 (7), 1612-1624, 2007
In search of remembrance: Evidence for memory in visual search
A Kristjánsson
Psychological Science 11 (4), 328-332, 2000
Is goal-directed attentional guidance just intertrial priming? A review
DF Lamy, Á Kristjánsson
Journal of Vision 13 (3), 14-14, 2013
Simultaneous priming along multiple feature dimensions in a visual search task
Á Kristjánsson
Vision research 46 (16), 2554-2570, 2006
Priming of color and position during visual search in unilateral spatial neglect
Á Kristjánsson, P Vuilleumier, P Malhotra, M Husain, J Driver
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 17 (6), 859-873, 2005
Designing sensory-substitution devices: Principles, pitfalls and potential 1
Á Kristjánsson, A Moldoveanu, ÓI Jóhannesson, O Balan, S Spagnol, ...
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 34 (5), 769-787, 2016
Common attentional constraints in visual foraging
Á Kristjánsson, ÓI Jóhannesson, IM Thornton
PloS one 9 (6), e100752, 2014
Rapid learning in attention shifts: A review
Á Kristjánsson
Visual Cognition 13 (3), 324-362, 2006
Building ensemble representations: How the shape of preceding distractor distributions affects visual search
A Chetverikov, G Campana, Á Kristjánsson
Cognition 153, 196-210, 2016
Problems with visual statistical learning in developmental dyslexia
HM Sigurdardottir, HB Danielsdottir, M Gudmundsdottir, KH Hjartarson, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 606, 2017
The attentional blink in space and time
Á Kristjánsson, K Nakayama
Vision research 42 (17), 2039-2050, 2002
Less attention is more in the preparation of antisaccades, but not prosaccades
Á Kristjánsson, Y Chen, K Nakayama
nature neuroscience 4 (10), 1037-1042, 2001
Serial dependence in visual perception: A review
D Pascucci, ÖD Tanrikulu, A Ozkirli, C Houborg, G Ceylan, P Zerr, ...
Journal of Vision 23 (1), 9-9, 2023
A primitive memory system for the deployment of transient attention
Á Kristjánsson, K Nakayama
Perception & Psychophysics 65, 711-724, 2003
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20