Christoph Stahl
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Cited by
The truth about the truth: A meta-analytic review of the truth effect
A Dechêne, C Stahl, J Hansen, M Wänke
Personality and Social Psychology Review 14 (2), 238-257, 2010
Behavioral components of impulsivity.
C Stahl, A Voss, F Schmitz, M Nuszbaum, O Tüscher, K Lieb, KC Klauer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (2), 850, 2014
The role of shifting, updating, and inhibition in prospective memory performance in young and older adults.
KM Schnitzspahn, C Stahl, M Zeintl, CP Kaller, M Kliegel
Developmental psychology 49 (8), 1544, 2013
On the respective contributions of awareness of US valence and US identity in valence acquisition through evaluative conditioning
C Stahl, C Unkelbach, O Corneille
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 97 (3), 404-420, 2009
Disentangling common and specific neural subprocesses of response inhibition
A Sebastian, MF Pohl, S Klöppel, B Feige, T Lange, C Stahl, A Voss, ...
Neuroimage 64, 601-615, 2013
Dissociating contingency awareness and conditioned attitudes: Evidence of contingency-unaware evaluative conditioning.
M Hütter, S Sweldens, C Stahl, C Unkelbach, KC Klauer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141 (3), 539, 2012
Associative attitude learning: A closer look at evidence and how it relates to attitude models
O Corneille, C Stahl
Personality and Social Psychology Review 23 (2), 161-189, 2019
Impulsivity in borderline personality disorder: Impairment in self-report measures, but not behavioral inhibition
GA Jacob, L Gutz, K Bader, K Lieb, O Tüscher, C Stahl
Psychopathology 43 (3), 180-188, 2010
A multinomial modeling approach to dissociate different components of the truth effect
C Unkelbach, C Stahl
Consciousness and cognition 18 (1), 22-38, 2009
Mix me a list: Context moderates the truth effect and the mere-exposure effect
A Dechêne, C Stahl, J Hansen, M Wänke
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45 (5), 1117-1122, 2009
HMMTree: A computer program for latent-class hierarchical multinomial processing tree models
C Stahl, KC Klauer
Behavior Research Methods 39, 267-273, 2007
Evaluative learning with single versus multiple unconditioned stimuli: the role of contingency awareness.
C Stahl, C Unkelbach
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 35 (2), 286, 2009
Assessing planning ability with the Tower of London task: psychometric properties of a structurally balanced problem set.
CP Kaller, JM Unterrainer, C Stahl
Psychological Assessment 24 (1), 46, 2012
A simplified conjoint recognition paradigm for the measurement of gist and verbatim memory.
C Stahl, KC Klauer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 34 (3), 570, 2008
The abstract selection task: new data and an almost comprehensive model.
KC Klauer, C Stahl, E Erdfelder
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 33 (4), 680, 2007
Subliminal evaluative conditioning? Above-chance CS identification may be necessary and insufficient for attitude learning.
C Stahl, J Haaf, O Corneille
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (9), 1107, 2016
Software for generating psychological experiments
C Stahl
Experimental Psychology 53 (3), 218-232, 2006
Assessing automatic activation of valence: A multinomial model of EAST performance
C Stahl, J Degner
Experimental Psychology 54 (2), 99-112, 2007
Fluency and positivity as possible causes of the truth effect
C Unkelbach, M Bayer, H Alves, A Koch, C Stahl
Consciousness and cognition 20 (3), 594-602, 2011
Explaining age differences in working memory: The role of updating, inhibition, and shifting.
S Zuber, A Ihle, VM Loaiza, KM Schnitzspahn, C Stahl, LH Phillips, ...
Psychology & neuroscience 12 (2), 191, 2019
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Articles 1–20