Claudio Contardo
Cited by
Cited by
Balancing a dynamic public bike-sharing system
C Contardo, C Morency, LM Rousseau
The pickup and delivery problem with transfers: Formulation and a branch-and-cut solution method
CE Cortés, M Matamala, C Contardo
European Journal of Operational Research 200 (3), 711-724, 2010
Exact branch-price-and-cut algorithms for vehicle routing
L Costa, C Contardo, G Desaulniers
Transportation Science, 2019
A new exact algorithm for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem under capacity and route length constraints
C Contardo, R Martinelli
Discrete Optimization 12, 129-146, 2014
Lower and Upper Bounds for the Two-Echelon Capacitated Location-Routing Problem
C Contardo, V Hemmelmayr, TG Crainic
Computers and Operations Research 39, 3185-3199, 2012
An exact algorithm based on cut-and-column generation for the capacitated location-routing problem
C Contardo, JF Cordeau, B Gendron
INFORMS Journal on Computing 26, 88-102, 2014
New enhancements for the exact solution of the vehicle routing problem with time windows
D Pecin, C Contardo, G Desaulniers, E Uchoa
INFORMS Journal on Computing 29, 489--502, 2017
A GRASP+ ILP-based metaheuristic for the capacitated location-routing problem
C Contardo, JF Cordeau, B Gendron
Journal of Heuristics 20, 1-38, 2014
A computational comparison of flow formulations for the capacitated location-routing problem
C Contardo, JF Cordeau, B Gendron
Discrete Optimization 10 (4), 263-295, 2013
Integrating cross-dock assignment and vehicle routing with cross-docking
F Enderer, C Contardo, I Contreras
Computers & Operations Research, 2017
A scalable exact algorithm for the vertex p-center problem
C Contardo, M Iori, R Kramer
Computers & Operations Research 103, 211--220, 2019
Reaching the Elementary Lower Bound in the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
C Contardo, G Desaulniers, F Lessard
Networks 65, 88-99, 2015
A sampling-based exact algorithm for the solution of the minimax diameter clustering problem
D Aloise, C Contardo
Journal of Global Optimization, 2018
Selective pricing in branch-price-and-cut algorithms for vehicle routing
G Desaulniers, D Pecin, C Contardo
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 1-22, 2017
On the optimal layout of a dining room in the era of COVID-19 using mathematical optimization
C Contardo, L Costa
International Transactions in Operational Research, 2022
Smooth and flexible dual optimal inequalities
N Haghani, C Contardo, J Yarkony
INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 2021
Exact and heuristic algorithms for capacitated vehicle routing problems with quadratic costs structure
R Martinelli, C Contardo
INFORMS Journal on Computing 27, 658-676, 2015
A Progressive approximation approach for the exact solution of sparse large-scale binary interdiction games
C Contardo, JA Sefair
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2021
Decremental clustering for the solution of p-dispersion problems to proven optimality
C Contardo
INFORMS Journal on Optimization 2, 134--144, 2020
Visual attractiveness in vehicle routing via bi-objective optimization
D Rocha, D Aloise, DJ Aloise, C Contardo
Computers & Operations Research, 2021
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Articles 1–20