Deepak Vala
Cited by
Cited by
Implementation of derivative based QRS complex detection methods
R Kher, D Vala, T Pawar, VK Thakar
Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI), 2010 3rd International …, 2010
A survey on ambulatory ECG and identification of motion artifact
D Vala, T Pawar
International Journal of Engineering Research and Development,ISSN: 2278 …, 2012
RPCA-based detection and quantification of motion artifacts in ECG signals
R Kher, D Vala, T Pawar, V Thakar
Journal of medical engineering & technology,ISSN 0309-1902 print/ISSN 1464 …, 2013
Ambulation study of ECG in wearable devices
R Kher, D Vala, T Pawar, Thakar
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Signals, Systems and …, 2009
Solar Based Electronic Fences with Wireless Iinformant
B Bilodariya, P Ramchandani, D Vala
Kalpa Publications in Engineering 1, 26-31, 2017
Detection of Low-pass Noise in ECG Signals
R Kher, D Vala, T Pawar
National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, 2011
Motion Artifact removal in Ambulatory ECG Signal using ICA
D Vala, T Pawar, VK Thakar
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and …, 2007
Identification of Motion Artifact in Ambulatory ECG Signal using Wavelet Technique
D Vala, T Pawar, VK Thakar
American Journal of Biomedical Engineering , DOI: 10.5923/j.ajbe.20130306.08 …, 2013
Position Detection of a Moving Vehicle using Images
M Prajapati, T Pawar, D Vala, V Vidyanagar
Proceedings of Second International Conference on Signals, Systems …, 2011
Identification and Analysis of Motion Artifact in Ambulatory ECG Signal in 1-D and 2-D
D Vala, T Pawar, VK Thakar
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 3 (9), 0
Solar Based Electronic Fences With Wireless Informant
PRDV Bhoomika Bilodariya
ICRISET2017 1 (1), 26-31, 2017
Optical Character Recognition Robot
DVMK Umeshkumar Baria, Urvi Bhagat
ICRISET2017 1 (1), 220-225, 2017
RPCA, MRA and ICA methods for motion artifact identification in AECG signals
DVT Pawar
ICRISET2017 1 (1), 90-95, 2017
Home facility using raspberry pi
DVAB Hiren Pandya
IJTE, 0971-3034, 2017
Smart Bio-Medical Signal Monitoring System
DLV Siddharth Sheth, Mohmmad Safdar Vahora, Abhishek Sheth, Kalpesh Bhikadiya
International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering 1 (10), 242-245, 2015
Motion Artifact removal in Ambulatory ECG Signal using ICA
D Vala, T Pawar, VK Thakar
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and …, 2014
Identification and Analysis of Motion Artifact in Ambulatory ECG Signal in 1-D and 2-D
D Vala, T Pawar, VK Thakar
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering,ISSN …, 2013
Position detection of a moving vehicle using images. , ,.
P M, T Pawar, D Vala
International Conference on Signals, Systems and Automation,ISBN: 978-1-6123 …, 2011
Embedded Systems for Wearable Health Monitoring
DV Dipak Patel, Tanmay Pawar
Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2009
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Articles 1–19