Dr. Edward Pultar, PhD
Dr. Edward Pultar, PhD
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Dynamic GIS case studies: Wildfire evacuation and volunteered geographic information
E Pultar, M Raubal, TJ Cova, MF Goodchild
Transactions in GIS 13, 85-104, 2009
EDGIS: a dynamic GIS based on space time points
E Pultar, TJ Cova, M Yuan, MF Goodchild
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 24 (3), 329-346, 2010
A case for space: physical and virtual location requirements in the couchsurfing social network
E Pultar, M Raubal
Proceedings of the 2009 International Workshop on Location Based Social …, 2009
GEDMWA: Geospatial exploratory data mining Web agent
E Pultar, M Raubal, MF Goodchild
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on Advances …, 2008
Progressive tourism: Integrating social, transportation, and data networks
E Pultar, M Raubal
Tourism informatics: Visual travel recommender systems, social communities …, 2010
Envisioning a future for a spatial-health cybergis marketplace
DW Goldberg, MG Cockburn, TA Hammond, GM Jacquez, D Janies, ...
Proceedings of the Second ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on the Use …, 2013
The role of geography in social networks: Couchsurfing as a case study
E Pultar
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2011
The role of geography in couchsurfing social network activities
E Pultar, M Raubal, K Goulias
International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Avingon, 2012
Location-based social network capital
E Pultar, S Winter, M Raubal
GIScience, Extended Abstracts, 2010
Interoperable search mechanisms for Web 2.0 resources
L Díaz, M Núñez-Redó, D González, J Gil, P Aragó, E Pultar, J Huerta
International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research 7, 277-299, 2012
The San Francisco public art map application: using VGI and social media to complement institutional data sources
N Milholland, E Pultar
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on …, 2013
Alternative search mechanism for web 2.0 resources
L Díaz, M Núñez-Redó, D González, J Gil, P Aragó, E Pultar, J Huerta
Int. Journ. Spatial Data Infrastructures, 2012
Data Mining Location-Based Social Networks for Geospatial Discovery
E Pultar
Geographic Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2013
EDGIS: A Dynamic Geographic Information System Based on Space Time Points
EF Pultar
Department of Geopgraphy, University of Utah, 2007
Social Networks, Travel Behavior, Social Capital
E Pultar
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Articles 1–15