Luigi Canullo
Luigi Canullo
ricercatore di tipo B, Universitā degli Studi di Genova
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Platform switching and marginal bone‐level alterations: the results of a randomized‐controlled trial
L Canullo, GR Fedele, G Iannello, S Jepsen
Clinical oral implants research 21 (1), 115-121, 2010
Success rate of dental implants inserted in horizontal and vertical guided bone regenerated areas: a systematic review
M Clementini, A Morlupi, L Canullo, C Agrestini, A Barlattani
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 41 (7), 847-852, 2012
Preservation of peri-implant soft and hard tissues using platform switching of implants placed in immediate extraction sockets: a proof-of-concept study with 12-to 36-month …
L Canullo, G Rasperini
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 22 (6), 2007
How frequent does peri-implantitis occur? A systematic review and meta-analysis
M Rakic, P Galindo-Moreno, A Monje, S Radovanovic, HL Wang, ...
Clinical oral investigations 22, 1805-1816, 2018
“Peri‐implantitis”: a complication of a foreign body or a man‐made “disease”. Facts and fiction
T Albrektsson, L Canullo, D Cochran, H De Bruyn
Clinical implant dentistry and related research 18 (4), 840-849, 2016
Systemic risk factors for peri-implant bone loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis
M Clementini, PHO Rossetti, D Penarrocha, C Micarelli, WC Bonachela, ...
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 43 (3), 323-334, 2014
Microbiological assessment of the implant‐abutment interface in different connections: cross‐sectional study after 5 years of functional loading
L Canullo, D Penarrocha‐Oltra, C Soldini, F Mazzocco, M Penarrocha, ...
Clinical oral implants research 26 (4), 426-434, 2015
Double‐blind randomized controlled trial study on post‐extraction immediately restored implants using the switching platform concept: Soft tissue response. Preliminary report
L Canullo, G Iurlaro, G Iannello
Clinical Oral Implants Research 20 (4), 414-420, 2009
Clinical outcome study of customized zirconia abutments for single-implant restorations.
L Canullo
International Journal of Prosthodontics 20 (5), 2007
Immediate positioning of a definitive abutment versus repeated abutment replacements in post-extractive implants: 3-year follow-up of a randomised multicentre clinical trial
L Canullo, I Bignozzi, R Cocchetto, MP Cristalli, G Iannello
Eur J Oral Implantol 3 (4), 285-96, 2010
Prevalence of Peri-implantitis in Medically Compromised Patients and Smokers: A Systematic Review.
A Turri, PH Orlato Rossetti, L Canullo, MG Grusovin, C Dahlin
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 31 (1), 2016
Short-term bone level observations associated with platform switching in immediately placed and restored single maxillary implants: a preliminary report.
L Canullo, G Goglia, G Iurlaro, G Iannello
International Journal of Prosthodontics 22 (3), 2009
Clinical and microbiological findings in patients with peri‐implantitis: a cross‐sectional study
L Canullo, D Peņarrocha‐Oltra, U Covani, D Botticelli, G Serino, ...
Clinical oral implants research 27 (3), 376-382, 2016
Use of platelet-rich fibrin for the treatment of periodontal intrabony defects: a systematic review and meta-analysis
RJ Miron, V Moraschini, M Fujioka-Kobayashi, Y Zhang, T Kawase, ...
Clinical oral investigations 25, 2461-2478, 2021
The Microbiologic Profile Associated with Peri-lmplantitis in Humans: A Systematic Review.
M Rakic, MG Grusovin, L Canullo
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 31 (2), 2016
Distinguishing predictive profiles for patient‐based risk assessment and diagnostics of plaque induced, surgically and prosthetically triggered peri‐implantitis
L Canullo, M Tallarico, S Radovanovic, B Delibasic, U Covani, M Rakic
Clinical Oral Implants Research 27 (10), 1243-1250, 2016
Systematic review of some prosthetic risk factors for periimplantitis
P Pesce, L Canullo, MG Grusovin, H De Bruyn, J Cosyn, P Pera
The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 114 (3), 346-350, 2015
Establishment of the epithelial attachment and connective tissue adaptation to implants installed under the concept of “platform switching”: a histologic study in minipigs
D Farronato, G Santoro, L Canullo, D Botticelli, C Maiorana, NP Lang
Clinical Oral Implants Research 23 (1), 90-94, 2012
Plasma of argon affects the earliest biological response of different implant surfaces: An in vitro comparative study
L Canullo, T Genova, M Tallarico, G Gautier, F Mussano, D Botticelli
Journal of Dental Research 95 (5), 566-573, 2016
Five‐year results of a randomized controlled trial comparing patients rehabilitated with immediately loaded maxillary cross‐arch fixed dental prosthesis supported by four or …
M Tallarico, SM Meloni, L Canullo, M Caneva, G Polizzi
Clinical implant dentistry and related research 18 (5), 965-972, 2016
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Articles 1–20