Judith Schoonenboom
Judith Schoonenboom
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How to construct a mixed methods research design (open access)
J Schoonenboom, RB Johnson
Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 69 (Suppl 2), 107, 2017
Developing a teacher identity in the university context: A systematic review of the literature
T Van Lankveld, J Schoonenboom, M Volman, G Croiset, J Beishuizen
Higher education research & development 36 (2), 325-342, 2017
Using an adapted, task-level technology acceptance model to explain why instructors in higher education intend to use some learning management system tools more than others
J Schoonenboom
Computers & Education 71, 247-256, 2014
Differences in learning characteristics between students with high, average, and low levels of academic procrastination: students’ views on factors influencing their learning
L Visser, FAJ Korthagen, J Schoonenboom
Frontiers in psychology 9, 808, 2018
Causation in mixed methods research: The meeting of philosophy, science, and practice
RB Johnson, F Russo, J Schoonenboom
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 13 (2), 143-162, 2019
A performative paradigm for mixed methods research
J Schoonenboom
Journal of mixed methods research 13 (3), 284-300, 2019
Adding qualitative and mixed methods research to health intervention studies: Interacting with differences
RB Johnson, J Schoonenboom
Qualitative Health Research 26 (5), 587-602, 2016
Integrating the teaching role into one’s identity: a qualitative study of beginning undergraduate medical teachers
T Van Lankveld, J Schoonenboom, RA Kusurkar, M Volman, J Beishuizen, ...
Advances in Health Sciences Education 22, 601-622, 2017
Combining multiple purposes of mixing within a mixed methods research design.
J Schoonenboom, RB Johnson, DE Froehlich
International journal of multiple research approaches 10 (1), 2018
Designing mixed methods research by mixing and merging methodologies: A 13-step model
J Schoonenboom
American Behavioral Scientist 62 (7), 998-1015, 2018
The role of knowledge in students’ flood-risk perception
A Bosschaart, W Kuiper, J van der Schee, J Schoonenboom
Natural hazards 69, 1661-1680, 2013
The effect of a script and a structured interface in grounding discussions
J Schoonenboom
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 3, 327-341, 2008
The fundamental difference between qualitative and quantitative data in mixed methods research (open access)
J Schoonenboom
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 24 (1), 2023
Informal teacher communities enhancing the professional development of medical teachers: a qualitative study
T Van Lankveld, J Schoonenboom, R Kusurkar, J Beishuizen, G Croiset, ...
BMC medical education 16, 1-10, 2016
The use of technology as one of the possible means of performing instructor tasks: Putting technology acceptance in context
J Schoonenboom
Computers & Education 59 (4), 1309-1316, 2012
It's Not a Math Lesson--We're Learning to Draw! Teachers' Use of Visual Representations in Instructing Word Problem Solving in Sixth Grade of Elementary School.
AJH Boonen, HC Reed, J Schoonenboom, J Jolles
Frontline Learning Research 4 (5), 55-82, 2016
Evaluating a flood-risk education program in the Netherlands
A Bosschaart, J van der Schee, W Kuiper, J Schoonenboom
Studies in Educational Evaluation 50, 53-61, 2016
The multilevel mixed intact group analysis: A mixed method to seek, detect, describe, and explain differences among intact groups
J Schoonenboom
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 10 (2), 129-146, 2016
Pre-service primary school teachers’ knowledge of informal statistical inference
A de Vetten, J Schoonenboom, R Keijzer, B van Oers
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 22 (6), 639-661, 2019
Learning to teach geography for primary education: Results of an experimental programme
M Blankman, J Schoonenboom, J van der Schee, M Boogaard, M Volman
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 40 (3), 425-441, 2016
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