Paritosh Verma
Paritosh Verma
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Existence and computation of maximin fair allocations under matroid-rank valuations
S Barman, P Verma
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.12710, 2020
Truthful and fair mechanisms for matroid-rank valuations
S Barman, P Verma
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (5), 4801-4808, 2022
Fair and efficient allocations without obvious manipulations
A Psomas, P Verma
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 13342-13354, 2022
Fair chore division under binary supermodular costs
S Barman, VV Narayan, P Verma
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.11530, 2023
Approximating Nash social welfare under binary XOS and binary subadditive valuations
S Barman, P Verma
International Conference on Web and Internet Economics, 373-390, 2021
Increasing impact of mobile health programs: SAHELI for maternal and child care
S Verma, G Singh, A Mate, P Verma, S Gorantla, N Madhiwalla, A Hegde, ...
Proceedings of the aaai conference on artificial intelligence 37 (13), 15594 …, 2023
Expanding impact of mobile health programs: SAHELI for maternal and child care
S Verma, G Singh, A Mate, P Verma, S Gorantla, N Madhiwalla, A Hegde, ...
AI Magazine 44 (4), 363-376, 2023
Deployed SAHELI: Field Optimization of Intelligent RMAB for Maternal and Child Care
S Verma, G Singh, AS Mate, P Verma, S Gorantala, N Madhiwalla, ...
Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI), 2023
On the Existence of Envy-Free Allocations Beyond Additive Valuations
G Benadè, D Halpern, A Psomas, P Verma
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.09648, 2023
Decision-Focused Evaluation: Analyzing Performance of Deployed Restless Multi-Arm Bandits
P Verma, S Verma, A Mate, A Taneja, M Tambe
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.07835, 2023
Automating Food Drop: The Power of Two Choices for Dynamic and Fair Food Allocation
M Mertzanidis, A Psomas, P Verma
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.06363, 2024
On the Fairness of Normalized p-Means for Allocating Goods and Chores
O Eckart, A Psomas, P Verma
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.14996, 2024
Refined mechanism design for approximately structured priors via active regression
C Boutsikas, P Drineas, M Mertzanidis, A Psomas, P Verma
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 25185-25194, 2023
Getting More by Knowing Less: Bayesian Incentive Compatible Mechanisms for Fair Division
V Gkatzelis, A Psomas, X Tan, P Verma
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.02040, 2023
Space Lower Bounds for Graph Stream Problems
P Verma
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation …, 2019
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