Taufiq Choudhry
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Cited by
Day of the week effect in emerging Asian stock markets: evidence from the GARCH model
T Choudhry
Applied Financial Economics 10 (3), 235-242, 2000
Stock market volatility and the crash of 1987: evidence from six emerging markets
T Choudhry
Journal of International money and Finance 15 (6), 969-981, 1996
Inflation and rates of return on stocks: evidence from high inflation countries
T Choudhry
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 11 (1), 75-96, 2001
Stochastic trends in stock prices: evidence from Latin American markets
T Choudhry
Journal of Macroeconomics 19 (2), 285-304, 1997
Relationship between gold and stock markets during the global financial crisis: Evidence from nonlinear causality tests
T Choudhry, SS Hassan, S Shabi
International Review of Financial Analysis 41, 247-256, 2015
Exchange rate volatility and the United States exports: evidence from Canada and Japan
T Choudhry
Journal of the Japanese and International economies 19 (1), 51-71, 2005
Female directors and managerial opportunism: Monitoring versus advisory female directors
AM Zalata, CG Ntim, T Choudhry, A Hassanein, H Elzahar
The Leadership Quarterly 30 (5), 101309, 2019
World War II events and the Dow Jones industrial index
T Choudhry
Journal of Banking & Finance 34 (5), 1022-1031, 2010
Stock market volatility and business cycle: Evidence from linear and nonlinear causality tests
T Choudhry, FI Papadimitriou, S Shabi
Journal of Banking & Finance 66, 89-101, 2016
Common stochastic trends among Far East stock prices: Effects of the Asian financial crisis
T Choudhry, L Lu, K Peng
International Review of Financial Analysis 16 (3), 242-261, 2007
Real stock prices and the long-run money demand function: evidence from Canada and the USA
T Choudhry
Journal of International Money and Finance 15 (1), 1-17, 1996
Month of the year effect and January effect in pre‐WWI stock returns: evidence from a non‐linear GARCH model
T Choudhry
International Journal of Finance & Economics 6 (1), 1-11, 2001
Stochastic trends and stock prices: an international inquiry
T Choudhry
Applied financial economics 4 (6), 383-390, 1994
Short-run deviations and optimal hedge ratio: evidence from stock futures
T Choudhry
Journal of Multinational Financial Management 13 (2), 171-192, 2003
Forecasting ability of GARCH vs Kalman filter method: evidence from daily UK time‐varying beta
T Choudhry, H Wu
Journal of Forecasting 27 (8), 670-689, 2008
Interdependence of stock markets: evidence from Europe during the 1920s and 1930s
T Choudhry
Applied Financial Economics 6 (3), 243-249, 1996
Purchasing power parity and the Canadian float in the 1950s
T Choudhry, R McNown, M Wallace
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 558-563, 1991
The hedging effectiveness of constant and time-varying hedge ratios using three Pacific Basin stock futures
T Choudhry
International Review of Economics & Finance 13 (4), 371-385, 2004
September 11 and time-varying beta of United States companies
T Choudhry
Applied Financial Economics 15 (17), 1227-1242, 2005
Time-varying beta and the Asian financial crisis: Evidence from Malaysian and Taiwanese firms
T Choudhry
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 13 (1), 93-118, 2005
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Articles 1–20