Amanda LeCouteur
Amanda LeCouteur
Associate Professor Psychology The University of Adelaide
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First year student expectations: Results from a university-wide student survey.
G Crisp, E Palmer, D Turnbull, T Nettelbeck, L Ward, A LeCouteur, ...
Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice 6 (1), 11-26, 2009
“Asylum seekers”,“boat people” and “illegal immigrants”: Social categorisation in the media
K O'Doherty, A Lecouteur
Australian journal of psychology 59 (1), 1-12, 2007
Self-sufficient arguments in political rhetoric: Constructing reconciliation and apologizing to the stolen generations
M Augoustinos, A LeCouteur, J Soyland
Discourse & Society 13 (1), 105-142, 2002
Elite athletes and retirement: Identity, choice, and agency
S Cosh, S Crabb, A LeCouteur
Australian Journal of Psychology 65 (2), 89-97, 2013
‘Race’and the Human Genome Project: constructions of scientific legitimacy
P McCann-Mortimer, M Augoustinos, A LeCouteur
Discourse & Society 15 (4), 409-432, 2004
Career transitions and identity: a discursive psychological approach to exploring athlete identity in retirement and the transition back into elite sport
S Cosh, A LeCouteur, S Crabb, L Kettler
Qualitative research in sport, exercise and health 5 (1), 21-42, 2013
Clients’ resistance to therapists’ proposals: Managing epistemic and deontic status
K Ekberg, A LeCouteur
Journal of pragmatics 90, 12-25, 2015
Modern racism in the media: constructions ofthe possibility of change'in accounts of two Australianriots'
K Simmons, A Lecouteur
Discourse & Society 19 (5), 667-687, 2008
Real-time communication during play: Analysis of team-mates’ talk and interaction
A LeCouteur, R Feo
Psychology of sport and exercise 12 (2), 124-134, 2011
‘This very difficult debate about Wik’: Stake, voice and the management of category memberships in race politics
A LeCouteur, M Rapley, M Augoustinos
British journal of social psychology 40 (1), 35-57, 2001
On whether to apologize to Indigenous Australians: The denial of white guilt
M Augoustinos, A LeCouteur
Collective guilt: International perspectives, 236-261, 2004
Managing accountability for domestic violence: Identities, membership categories and morality in perpetrators’ talk
A LeCouteur, M Oxlad
Feminism & Psychology 21 (1), 5-28, 2011
The Colleague Development Program: A multidisciplinary program of peer observation partnerships
M O’Keefe, A Lecouteur, J Miller, U McGowan
Medical Teacher 31 (12), 1060-1065, 2009
The language of prejudice and racism
A Le Couteur, M Augoustinos
Sage Publishing/Sage Publications, 2001
Repertoires of teaching and learning: A comparison of university teachers and students using Q methodology
A Lecouteur, PH Delfabbro
Higher Education 42, 205-235, 2001
Apologising to the stolen generations: Argument, rhetoric, and identity in public reasoning
A Lecouteur, M Augoustinos
Australian Psychologist 36 (1), 51-61, 2001
Accounts of experiences of bulimia: A discourse analytic study
A Brooks, A LeCouteur, J Hepworth
International Journal of Eating Disorders 24 (2), 193-205, 1998
“Your brain matters”: Issues of risk and responsibility in online dementia prevention information
M Lawless, M Augoustinos, A LeCouteur
Qualitative Health Research 28 (10), 1539-1551, 2018
Australasian Gambling Review: (1992-2008).
PH Delfabbro, A Le Couteur
Independent Gambling Authority., 2009
Lay theories of anorexia nervosa: A discourse analytic study
J Benveniste, A Lecouteur, J Hepworth
Journal of Health Psychology 4 (1), 59-69, 1999
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