Indirect network effects and adoption externalities J Church, N Gandal, D Krause Review of Network Economics 7 (3), 2008 | 229 | 2008 |
Empirical evidence on the long-run neutrality hypothesis using low-frequency international data A Serletis, D Krause Economics Letters 50 (3), 323-327, 1996 | 68 | 1996 |
An analysis of price-based tests of antitrust market delineation PJ Coe, D Krause Journal of Competition Law and Economics 4 (4), 983-1007, 2008 | 40 | 2008 |
Nominal stylized facts of US business cycles A Serletis, D Krause Review, 49-54, 1996 | 34 | 1996 |
Changing the presumption of when to regulate: The rationale of Canadian telecommunications reform LAW Hunter, P Gauvin, D Krause Journal of Competition Law and Economics 4 (3), 775-790, 2008 | 5 | 2008 |
Nominal stylized facts of US business cycles D Krause, A Serletis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 78 (Jul), 49-54, 1996 | 4 | 1996 |
Regulatory commitment and the Policy Direction: has there been a breach of contract? D Krause, M Bibic URl: http://ecom. lsuc. on. ca/pdf/2012/CLE12-0041201/Tab, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |
Coordination and Equilibrium Selection in Games with Positive Network Effects AM Jakobsen, BC Eaton, D Krause Department of Economics, University of Calgary Working Papers, 2009 | 2* | 2009 |
Economic Issues Relating to the Framework to Auction Spectrum in the 2GHz Range G Tan, D Krause Ottawa: May 25, 2007 | 1 | 2007 |
Nominal stylized facts of US business cycles A Serletis, D Krause Money And The Economy, 47-56, 2006 | 1 | 2006 |
The Open Skies Agreement Between the United States of America and Canada--The Results. Does it Suggest the Need for a Wider Pact and a More Liberal Air Pact? J Monteiro, D Krause, A Downs Transportation Visioning-2002 and Beyond (Vision d'avenir des transports …, 2002 | 1 | 2002 |
I. Introduction Computer reservation systems (CRS) have been described as the nerve centre of airline marketing, operations planning, revenue management and accounting. Their … J Monteiro, D Krause Proceedings of the... Annual Conference, 270, 2005 | | 2005 |
Air Transportation-Are New Destinations On The Horizon? J Monteiro, D Krause Proceedings of the... Annual Conference, 253, 2005 | | 2005 |
Computer Reservation Systems in Canada-Changing Regulations and Their Economic Rationale J Monteiro, D Krause Proceedings of the 40th annual conference: old foundations, modern …, 2005 | | 2005 |
Canadian Transportation Alliances Under the Competition Act. J Monteiro, G Allen, D Krause Actes de la... Confe (rence annuelle 1, 31, 2004 | | 2004 |
The Canadian Air Cargo Buiness J Monteiro, M Nera, D Krause Crossing Borders: Travel, Trade, Security and Communication (Traverser les …, 2003 | | 2003 |
Internalizing network externalities DP Krause Economics, Univiersity of Calgary, 2002 | | 2002 |
Nominal Stylized Facts of United States Business Cycles A Serletis, D Krause Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, 1998 | | 1998 |
Money aspects of North American economies A Serletis, DP Krause Economic integration in the Americas, 34, 1996 | | 1996 |
Does money matter? DP Krause Economics, University of Calgary, 1995 | | 1995 |