Mahmood Mohamed
Mahmood Mohamed
Associate Professor of Information Technology , Computer science,Cairo University, Egypt
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SVM-based detection of tomato leaves diseases
U Mokhtar, N El Bendary, AE Hassenian, E Emary, MA Mahmoud, ...
Intelligent Systems' 2014: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International …, 2015
The role of Islamic marketing ethics towards customer satisfaction
A Abbas, QA Nisar, MAH Mahmood, A Chenini, A Zubair
Journal of Islamic Marketing 11 (4), 1001-1018, 2020
A hybrid CNN-LSTM model for SMS spam detection in arabic and english messages
A Ghourabi, MA Mahmood, QM Alzubi
Future Internet 12 (9), 156, 2020
Fake accounts detection in twitter based on minimum weighted feature
A ElAzab
World, 2016
Tuberculosis disease diagnosis based on an optimized machine learning model
O Hrizi, K Gasmi, I Ben Ltaifa, H Alshammari, H Karamti, M Krichen, ...
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2022 (1), 8950243, 2022
Olive disease classification based on vision transformer and CNN models
H Alshammari, K Gasmi, I Ben Ltaifa, M Krichen, L Ben Ammar, ...
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (1), 3998193, 2022
Optimal Deep Learning Model for Olive Disease Diagnosis Based on an Adaptive Genetic Algorithm
MAM Hamoud Alshammari, Karim Gasmi ,Moez Krichen,Lassaad Ben Ammar,Mohamed ...
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022, 13, 2022
Handling autism imbalanced data using synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE)
AA El-Sayed, MAM Mahmood, NA Meguid, HA Hefny
2015 third world conference on complex systems (WCCS), 1-5, 2015
Optimal deep neural network-based model for answering visual medical question
K Gasmi, IB Ltaifa, G Lejeune, H Alshammari, LB Ammar, MA Mahmood
Cybernetics and Systems 53 (5), 403-424, 2022
A new approach for cancer prediction based on deep neural learning
H Elwahsh, MA Tawfeek, AA Abd El-Aziz, MA Mahmood, M Alsabaan, ...
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 35 (6), 101565, 2023
Impact of consumer information acquisition confidence, social outcome confidence on information search and sharing: The mediating role of subjective knowledge
A Zubair, R Shabbir, MA Abro, MAH Mahmood
The Bottom Line 32 (3), 230-246, 2019
A symmetric bio-hash function based on fingerprint minutiae and principal curves approach
K Kamal, A Ghany, MA Moneim, NI Ghali, AE Hassanien, HA Hefny
Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical …, 2011
An Intelligent Multi-agent Recommender System
MA Mahmood, N El-Bendary, J Platoš, AE Hassanien, HA Hefny
Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and Applications: Proceedings of the …, 2014
Climate recommender system for wheat cultivation in North Egyptian Sinai Peninsula
MA Salam, MA Mahmood, YM Awad, M Hazman, N El Bendary, ...
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Innovations in Bio …, 2014
Survey on securing a querying process by blocking SQL injection
Y Gomaa, MA Mahmood, H Hefny
2015 Third World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS), 1-7, 2015
Recommender system for ground-level Ozone predictions in Kuwait
MA Mahmood, ET Al-Shammari, N El-Bendary, AE Hassanien, HA Hefny
2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 107-110, 2013
Machine vision application on science and industry: machine vision trends
BSM Zohdy, MA Mahmood, NR Darwish, HA Hefny
Optoelectronics in Machine Vision-Based Theories and Applications, 233-254, 2019
A survey of recommender systems and geographical recommendation techniques
K Soliman, MA Mahmood, A El Azab, HA Hefny
GIS Applications in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, 249-274, 2018
A secure Algorithm for Executing Queries over Encrypted Data
R Refaie, AAA El-Aziz, N Hamza, MA Mahmood, H Hefny
Third World Conference on Complex Systems ( WCCS15) during November 23-25 …, 2015
Expansion of the olive crop based on modeling climatic variables using geographic information system (GIS) in Aljouf region KSA
MA Hamoud H.Alshammari, Mohamed O.Altaieb, AmmarBoukrara, KarimGasmi
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 202, 1-12, 2022
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