Nicholas Aramovich
Nicholas Aramovich
San Diego Miramar College
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The psychological benefits of creating an affirming climate for workplace diversity
D Chrobot-Mason, NP Aramovich
Group & Organization Management 38 (6), 659-689, 2013
Confrontational and preventative policy responses to terrorism: Anger wants a fight and fear wants" them" to go away
LJ Skitka, CW Bauman, NP Aramovich, GS Morgan
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 28 (4), 375-384, 2006
Opposing torture: Moral conviction and resistance to majority influence
NP Aramovich, BL Lytle, LJ Skitka
Social Influence 7 (1), 21-34, 2012
Knitting together an elephant: An integrative approach to understanding the psychology of justice reasoning
LJ Skitka, NP Aramovich, BL Lytle, EG Sargis
The psychology of justice and legitimacy, 1-26, 2011
The relative importance of participative versus decisive behavior in predicting stakeholders' perceptions of leader effectiveness
NP Aramovich, JR Blankenship
The Leadership Quarterly 31 (5), 101387, 2020
The effect of stereotype threat on group versus individual performance
NP Aramovich
Small Group Research 45 (2), 176-197, 2014
Employee perceptions of an affirming climate for diversity and its link to attitudinal outcomes: A comparison of racial and gender groups
D Chrobot-Mason, N Aramovich
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, LA, 2004
Strategic demonstration of problem solutions by groups: The effects of member preferences, confidence, and learning goals
NP Aramovich, JR Larson
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 122 (1), 36-52, 2013
Boundary-Spanning Leadership: Strategies to Create a More Inclusive and Effective Network
D Chrobot-Mason, NP Aramovich
Inclusive Leadership, 135-148, 2020
Building Better Theories: Prediction Intervals as a Tool for Theory Testing and Improvement
JR Larson Jr, CA Cornell, NP Aramovich
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 46 (3), 146-168, 2024
Truth can win in many ways: An investigation of group problem-solving processes on mathematical problems.
NP Aramovich
ProQuest Information & Learning, 2011
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Artículos 1–11