The psychological benefits of creating an affirming climate for workplace diversity D Chrobot-Mason, NP Aramovich Group & Organization Management 38 (6), 659-689, 2013 | 363 | 2013 |
Confrontational and preventative policy responses to terrorism: Anger wants a fight and fear wants" them" to go away LJ Skitka, CW Bauman, NP Aramovich, GS Morgan Basic and Applied Social Psychology 28 (4), 375-384, 2006 | 357 | 2006 |
Opposing torture: Moral conviction and resistance to majority influence NP Aramovich, BL Lytle, LJ Skitka Social Influence 7 (1), 21-34, 2012 | 130 | 2012 |
Knitting together an elephant: An integrative approach to understanding the psychology of justice reasoning LJ Skitka, NP Aramovich, BL Lytle, EG Sargis The psychology of justice and legitimacy, 1-26, 2011 | 50 | 2011 |
The relative importance of participative versus decisive behavior in predicting stakeholders' perceptions of leader effectiveness NP Aramovich, JR Blankenship The Leadership Quarterly 31 (5), 101387, 2020 | 25 | 2020 |
The effect of stereotype threat on group versus individual performance NP Aramovich Small Group Research 45 (2), 176-197, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
Employee perceptions of an affirming climate for diversity and its link to attitudinal outcomes: A comparison of racial and gender groups D Chrobot-Mason, N Aramovich Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, LA, 2004 | 17 | 2004 |
Strategic demonstration of problem solutions by groups: The effects of member preferences, confidence, and learning goals NP Aramovich, JR Larson Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 122 (1), 36-52, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
Boundary-Spanning Leadership: Strategies to Create a More Inclusive and Effective Network D Chrobot-Mason, NP Aramovich Inclusive Leadership, 135-148, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Building Better Theories: Prediction Intervals as a Tool for Theory Testing and Improvement JR Larson Jr, CA Cornell, NP Aramovich Basic and Applied Social Psychology 46 (3), 146-168, 2024 | | 2024 |
Truth can win in many ways: An investigation of group problem-solving processes on mathematical problems. NP Aramovich ProQuest Information & Learning, 2011 | | 2011 |