Carolina Yudes
Carolina Yudes
PhD Psychology - University of Malaga (UMA)
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The influence of expertise in simultaneous interpreting on non-verbal executive processes
C Yudes, P Macizo, T Bajo
Frontiers in psychology 2, 309, 2011
Bilingualism modulates dual mechanisms of cognitive control: Evidence from ERPs
J Morales, C Yudes, CJ Gómez-Ariza, MT Bajo
Neuropsychologia 66, 157-169, 2015
Cyberbullying and Problematic Internet Use in Colombia, Uruguay and Spain: Cross-Cultural Study.
C Yudes-Gómez, D Baridon-Chauvie, JM González-Cabrera
Comunicar: Media Education Research Journal 26 (56), 49-58, 2018
Ciberacoso y uso problemático de Internet en Colombia, Uruguay y España
C Yudes-Gómez, D Baridon-Chauvie, JM González-Cabrera
Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación 26 (56), 49-58, 2018
Comprehension and error monitoring in simultaneous interpreters
C Yudes, P Macizo, L Morales, MT Bajo
Applied Psycholinguistics 34 (5), 1039-1057, 2013
Predictive factors of cyberbullying perpetration amongst Spanish adolescents
C Yudes, L Rey, N Extremera
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (11), 3967, 2020
Coordinating comprehension and production in simultaneous interpreters: Evidence from the articulatory suppression effect
C Yudes, P Macizo, T Bajo
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 15 (2), 329-339, 2012
Ciberagresión, adicción a internet e inteligencia emocional en adolescentes: un análisis de diferencias de género
C Yudes, LR Peña, NE Pacheco
Voces de la Educación, 2019
Cognate effects in bilingual language comprehension tasks
C Yudes, P Macizo, T Bajo
NeuroReport 21 (7), 507-512, 2010
The moderating effect of emotional intelligence on problematic internet use and cyberbullying perpetration among adolescents: gender differences
C Yudes, L Rey, N Extremera
Psychological Reports 125 (6), 2902-2921, 2022
The time-course of processing of grammatical class and semantic attributes of words: Dissociation by means of ERP
C Yudes, A Domínguez, F Cuetos, M De Vega
Psicológica 37 (2), 105-126, 2016
Adolescentes ciberacosadores y uso problemático de Internet
C Yudes, L Rey, N Extremera
Revista española de pedagogía 79 (279), 231-248, 2021
Cognate effects in bilingual language comprehension tasks. NeuroReport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research, 21 (7), 507–512
C Yudes, P Macizo, T Bajo
Adolescent cyberbullies and problematic internet use: The protective role of core self-evaluations
C Yudes, L Rey, N Extremera
Revista española de pedagogía 79 (279), 15, 2021
Procesos cognitivos en intérpretes simultáneos: comprensión, memoria de trabajo y funciones ejecutivas
C Yudes Gómez
Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2011
How can the Social Family Climate Contribute to Emotional Intelligence in Preventing Suicidal Ideation and Promoting Life Satisfaction Among Adolescents?
MA Peláez-Fernández, S Mérida-López, C Yudes, N Extremera
Applied Research in Quality of Life 19 (5), 2915-2932, 2024
Cyberbullying, internet addiction and emotional intelligence in adolescents: A gender difference analysis
C Yudes, L Rey Peña, N Extremera Pacheco
Voces de la educación, 2019
Core self‐evaluations and perceived classmate support: Independent predictors of psychological adjustment
C Yudes, MT Chamizo‐Nieto, MA Peláez‐Fernández, N Extremera
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2024
Dataset Core Self Psychological Wellbeing Classmate Support
C Yudes Gómez, MT Chamizo-Nieto, MÁ Peláez-Fernández, ...
Universidad de Málaga, 2024
Data family climate EI suicidal ideation life satisfaction.
MÁ Peláez-Fernández, S Mérida-López, C Yudes Gómez, ...
Universidad de Málaga, 2024
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