Pedro H. B. Togni
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Odour masking of tomato volatiles by coriander volatiles in host plant selection of Bemisia tabaci biotype B
PHB Togni, RA Laumann, MA Medeiros, ER Sujii
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 136 (2), 164-173, 2010
Going out for dinner—The consumption of agriculture pests by bats in urban areas
LMS Aguiar, ID Bueno-Rocha, G Oliveira, ES Pires, S Vasconcelos, ...
PLoS One 16 (10), e0258066, 2021
Dinâmica populacional de Bemisia tabaci biótipo B em tomate monocultivo e consorciado com coentro sob cultivo orgânico e convencional
PHB Togni, MR Frizzas, MA de Medeiros, EYT Nakasu, CSS Pires, ...
Horticultura Brasileira 27, 183-188, 2009
Mechanisms underlying the innate attraction of an aphidophagous coccinellid to coriander plants: Implications for conservation biological control
PHB Togni, M Venzon, CA Muniz, EF Martins, A Pallini, ER Sujii
Biological control 92, 77-84, 2016
The role of integrating agroforestry and vegetable planting in structuring communities of herbivorous insects and their natural enemies in the Neotropical region
ES Harterreiten-Souza, PHB Togni, CSS Pires, ER Sujii
Agroforestry Systems 88, 205-219, 2014
Ecosystem services provided by insects in Brazil: What do we really know?
DL Ramos, WL Cunha, J Evangelista, LA Lira, MVC Rocha, PA Gomes, ...
Neotropical entomology 49, 783-794, 2020
Brazilian legislation leaning towards fast registration of biological control agents to benefit organic agriculture
PHB Togni, M Venzon, ACG Lagôa, ER Sujii
Neotropical entomology 48, 175-185, 2019
Biodiversity provides whitefly biological control based on farm management
PHB Togni, M Venzon, LM Souza, JPCR Santos, ER Sujii
Journal of Pest Science 92, 393-403, 2019
Control of two-spotted spider mites with neem-based products on a leafy vegetable
M Venzon, PHB Togni, AL Perez, JM Oliveira
Crop Protection 128, 105006, 2020
Conservação de inimigos naturais (Insecta) em tomateiro orgânico
PHB Togni, KR Cavalcante, LF Langer, CS Gravina, MA Medeiros, ...
Arquivos do Instituto Biológico 77 (4), 669-676, 2010
Companion and smart plants: scientific background to promote conservation biological control
MC Blassioli-Moraes, M Venzon, LCP Silveira, LM Gontijo, PHB Togni, ...
Neotropical Entomology 51 (2), 171-187, 2022
Integrated cultural practices for whitefly management in organic tomato
PHB Togni, WA Marouelli, AK Inoue‐Nagata, CSS Pires, ER Sujii
Journal of Applied Entomology 142 (10), 998-1007, 2018
Seasonal fluctuation in the population of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773)(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and co-occurrence with other coccinellids in the Federal District of Brazil
ÉS Harterreiten-Souza, PHB Togni, PVGN Milane, KR Cavalcante, ...
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 52, 134-140, 2012
Princípios e práticas ecológicas para o manejo de insetos-praga na agricultura.
MA Medeiros
Emater-DF, 2011
Dynamics of predatory and herbivorous insects at the farm scale: the role of cropped and noncropped habitats
PHB Togni, M Venzon, LM Souza, AATC Sousa, ÉS Harterreiten‐Souza, ...
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 21 (4), 351-362, 2019
Práticas culturais no manejo de pragas na agricultura orgânica
ER Sujii, M Venzon, MA Medeiros, CSS Pires, PHB Togni
Controle alternativo de pragas e doenças na agricultura orgânica. EPAMIG …, 2010
Field evaluation of Bt cotton crop impact on nontarget pests: cotton aphid and boll weevil
ER Sujii, PHB Togni, P de A Ribeiro, T de A Bernardes, P Milane, ...
Neotropical entomology 42, 102-111, 2013
Impacto do algodoeiro Bt na dinâmica populacional do pulgão-do-algodoeiro em casa de vegetação
ER Sujii, PHB Togni, EYT Nakasu, CSS Pires, DP Paula, EMG Fontes
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 43, 1251-1256, 2008
Scrutinizing the enemy release hypothesis: population effects of parasitoids on Harmonia axyridis and local host coccinellids in Brazil
DP Paula, PHB Togni, VA Costa, LM Souza, AATC Sousa, GM Tostes, ...
BioControl 66, 71-82, 2021
Ants provide biological control on tropical organic farms influenced by local and landscape factors
TLM Frizzo, LM Souza, ER Sujii, PHB Togni
Biological Control 151, 104378, 2020
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