Mauricio Juan Carlos Coppo
Mauricio Juan Carlos Coppo
Asia-Pacific Centre for Animal Health, Melbourne School of Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of
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Attenuated vaccines can recombine to form virulent field viruses
SW Lee, PF Markham, MJC Coppo, AR Legione, JF Markham, ...
Science 337 (6091), 188-188, 2012
Challenges and recent advancements in infectious laryngotracheitis virus vaccines
MJC Coppo, AH Noormohammadi, GF Browning, JM Devlin
Avian pathology 42 (3), 195-205, 2013
Immune responses to infectious laryngotracheitis virus
MJC Coppo, CA Hartley, JM Devlin
Developmental & Comparative Immunology 41 (3), 454-462, 2013
Development of a SYBR Green quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay for rapid detection and quantification of infectious laryngotracheitis virus
A Mahmoudian, NC Kirkpatrick, M Coppo, SW Lee, JM Devlin, ...
Avian Pathology 40 (3), 237-242, 2011
Natural recombination in alphaherpesviruses: Insights into viral evolution through full genome sequencing and sequence analysis.
JM 3. Loncoman, C.A., Vaz, P.K., Coppo, M.J.C., Hartley, C.A., Morera, F.J ...
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 49, 174-85, 2017
Horizontal transmission dynamics of a glycoprotein G deficient candidate vaccine strain of infectious laryngotracheitis virus and the effect of vaccination on transmission of …
JM Devlin, CA Hartley, JR Gilkerson, MJC Coppo, P Vaz, ...
Vaccine 29 (34), 5699-5704, 2011
Growth kinetics and transmission potential of existing and emerging field strains of infectious laryngotracheitis virus
SW Lee, CA Hartley, MJC Coppo, PK Vaz, AR Legione, JA Quinteros, ...
PloS one 10 (3), e0120282, 2015
Full genome analysis of Australian infectious bronchitis viruses suggests frequent recombination events between vaccine strains and multiple phylogenetically distant avian …
JA Quinteros, SW Lee, PF Markham, AH Noormohammadi, CA Hartley, ...
Veterinary Microbiology 197, 27-38, 2016
Comparison of the replication and transmissibility of an infectious laryngotracheitis virus vaccine delivered via eye-drop or drinking-water
MJC Coppo, JM Devlin, AH Noormohammadi
Avian Pathology 41 (1), 99-106, 2012
Comparative in vivo safety and efficacy of a glycoprotein G-deficient candidate vaccine strain of infectious laryngotracheitis virus delivered via eye drop
MJC Coppo, AH Noormohammadi, CA Hartley, JR Gilkerson, ...
Avian pathology 40 (4), 411-417, 2011
Impacts of poultry vaccination on viruses of wild bird
JM Devlin, PK Vaz, MJC Coppo, GF Browning
Current Opinion in Virology 19, 23-29, 2016
Elucidating cryptic dynamics of Theileria communities in African buffalo using a high‐throughput sequencing informatics approach
CK Glidden, AV Koehler, RS Hall, MA Saeed, M Coppo, BR Beechler, ...
Ecology and evolution 10 (1), 70-80, 2020
Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus Viral Chemokine-Binding Protein Glycoprotein G Alters Transcription of Key Inflammatory Mediators In Vitro and In Vivo
MJC Coppo, JM Devlin, AR Legione, PK Vaz, SW Lee, JA Quinteros, ...
Journal of Virology 92 (1), 10.1128/jvi. 01534-17, 2018
Genetic Diversity of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus during In Vivo Coinfection Parallels Viral Replication and Arises from Recombination Hot Spots within the …
CA Loncoman, CA Hartley, MJC Coppo, PK Vaz, A Diaz-Méndez, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 83 (23), e01532-17, 2017
Safety and vaccine efficacy of a glycoprotein G deficient strain of infectious laryngotracheitis virus delivered in ovo
AR Legione, MJC Coppo, SW Lee, AH Noormohammadi, CA Hartley, ...
Vaccine 30 (50), 7193-7198, 2012
Vaccine efficacy against Indonesian Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1: systematic review and meta-analysis
JP Villanueva-Cabezas, MJC Coppo, PA Durr, J McVernon
Vaccine 35 (37), 4859-4869, 2017
Development and application of a TaqMan single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping assay to study infectious laryngotracheitis virus recombination in the natural host
CA Loncoman, CA Hartley, MJC Coppo, PK Vaz, A Diaz-Méndez, ...
PLoS One 12 (3), e0174590, 2017
Comparison of the replication and transmissibility of two infectious laryngotracheitis virus chicken embryo origin vaccines delivered via drinking water
MJC Coppo, JM Devlin, AH Noormohammadi
Avian pathology 41 (2), 195-202, 2012
Analysis of the complete genomic sequences of two virus subpopulations of the Australian infectious bronchitis virus vaccine VicS
JA Quinteros, PF Markham, SW Lee, KA Hewson, CA Hartley, AR Legione, ...
Avian Pathology 44 (3), 182-191, 2015
Full genomic characterisation of an emerging infectious laryngotracheitis virus class 7b from Australia linked to a vaccine strain revealed its identity
AJ Sabir, OM Olaogun, D O'Rourke, O Fakhri, MJC Coppo, JM Devlin, ...
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 78, 104067, 2020
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