Some fossil leaves from the Kasauli Formation of Himachal Pradesh, North-west India. RPM Guleria J.S., Srivastava Himalayan Geology 20 (1-2), 43-52., 2000 | 39* | 2000 |
Indian Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary flora before collision of Indian Plate: A reappraisal of Central and Western Indian Flora. S Rashmi Memoir of the Geological Society of India 77, 281-292, 2011 | 29 | 2011 |
Fossil dicotyledonous woods from the Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Kachchh, Gujarat, Western India. R Guleria, J.S. & Srivastava Palaeontographica 256 (B), 17-33., 2001 | 26* | 2001 |
More fossil woods from the Palaeogene of Northern Kyushu, Japan. M Srivastava, Rashmi & Suzuki IAWA Journal 22, 85-105., 2001 | 25 | 2001 |
Ficus palaeoracemosa sp. nov.- a new fossil leaf from the Kasauli Formation of Himachal Pradesh and its palaeoclimatic significance. SRMRC Srivastava G J. Earth Science System 120 (2), 253-262., 2011 | 19 | 2011 |
Fossil wood of Drybalanops from Pliocene deposits of Indonesia. RKN Srivastava Palaeobotanist 50, 395-401, 2001 | 19 | 2001 |
Fossil woods from Upper Tertiary sediments of Jammu region (Jammu & Kashmir) North-West India and their significance. R Guleria, J.S., Gupta, S.S. & Srivastava Palaeobotanist 50: 50, 225-246., 2002 | 18* | 2002 |
Angiospermous fossil woods from the Lameta Formation (Maastrichtian), Maharashtra, India. R Kar, R.K., Mohabey, D. M. & Srivastava Geophytology 33: 33, 21-27., 2004 | 17 | 2004 |
Plant remains from the Dafla Formation, West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh. SRM R.C. Palaeobotanist 58, 33-49., 2009 | 15* | 2009 |
Revision of Early Cretaceous angiosperm remains from the Rajmahal basin, India with notes on the palaeoecology of Pentoxylon plant. SRK V.A. Cretaceous Research 33, 66-71, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |
New records of plant fossil from the Kasauli sediments of Himachal Pradesh, North-West India. R Arya, R., Guleria, J.S. & Srivastava Phytomorphology 51 (1), 41-57., 2001 | 14* | 2001 |
Fossil woods from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Madhya Pradesh. R Awasthi, N. Mehrotra, R.C. & Srivastava Geophytology : 25, 113-118., 996 | 14* | 996 |
Pterospermumocarpon, a new malvalean fruit genus from the Sindhudurg Formation (Miocene) of Maharashtra, India and its phytogeographical significance. SRKSG Srivastava Rashmi J. Earth Science System, 183-193, 2012 | 12* | 2012 |
Fossil wood resembling Sonneratia with fungal infection from Deccan Intertrappean sediments of Seoni District, Madhya Pradesh. S Rashmi Geophytology 37: 37, 87-92., 2008 | 12 | 2008 |
Fossil dicotyledonous woods from Deccan Intertrappean sediments of Ghansor, Seoni District, Madhya Pradesh, India. S Rashmi Palaeobotanist 59, 129-138., 2010 | 11* | 2010 |
Perminaralised fungal remains in the fossil wood of Barringtonia from the Deccan Intertrappean sediments of Yavatmal District, Maharashtra, India. KDKCS Srivastava Rashmi Palaeobotanist 58, 11-19., 2009 | 11* | 2009 |
Grewinium, a substitute name for Grewioxylon Shallom non Schuster. JS Srivastava, Rashmi & Guleria Palaeobotanist 50:, 531-532., 2001 | 11* | 2001 |
Carbonised woods from the Sindhudurg Formation ( Miocene ) in Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg Dristricts, Maharashtra, India . RK Srivastava, Rashmi & Saxena Geophytology 27 (1&2), 23-33., 1998 | 11* | 1998 |
Fossil woods of Artocarpus from Warkalli Formation of Kerala Coast, India. R Srivastava Phytomorphology 48 (4), 391-397., 1999 | 7 | 1999 |
Record of new petrified epiphyllous fungi (Polyhyphaethyrites) from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Mohgaon Kalan, Madhya Pradesh, India. RK Srivastava, Rashmi & Kar Current Science 87 (7), 868-869., 2004 | 6* | 2004 |