G.E. Grechnev
G.E. Grechnev
B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering NAS Ukraine
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Electronic structure of lithium manganese spinels
GE Grechnev, R Ahuja, B Johansson, O Eriksson
Phys. Rev. B 65, 174408, 2002
Electronic structure and bulk properties of MB6 and MB12 borides
GE Grechnev, AE Baranovskiy, VD Fil, TV Ignatova, IG Kolobov, ...
Low Temperature Physics 34 (11), 921-929, 2008
Magnetic susceptibility of hcp iron and the seismic anisotropy of Earth’s inner core
GE Grechnev, R Ahuja, O Eriksson
Physical Review B 68 (6), 064414, 2003
Electronic structure and magnetic properties of transition metal diborides
GE Grechnev, AV Fedorchenko, AV Logosha, AS Panfilov, IV Svechkarev, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 481 (1-2), 75-80, 2009
Electronic structure, bulk and magnetic properties of MB6 and MB12 borides
AE Baranovskiy, GE Grechnev, VD Fil, TV Ignatova, AV Logosha, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 442 (1-2), 228-230, 2007
Magnetic-field-induced effects in the electronic structure of itinerant d-and f-metal systems
GE Grechnev
Low Temperature Physics 35 (8), 638-651, 2009
Magnetic and superconducting properties of FeSe1− xTex (x∼ 0, 0.5, and 1.0)
AV Fedorchenko, GE Grechnev, VA Desnenko, AS Panfilov, ...
Low Temperature Physics 37 (1), 83-89, 2011
Magnetic properties of superconducting FeSe in the normal state
GE Grechnev, AS Panfilov, VA Desnenko, AV Fedorchenko, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (4), 046004, 2012
Structure and magnetic properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified with cobalt
U Ritter, P Scharff, GE Grechnev, VA Desnenko, AV Fedorchenko, ...
Carbon 49 (13), 4443-4448, 2011
Structure and magnetic properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified with iron
GE Grechnev, VA Desnenko, AV Fedorchenko, AS Panfilov, ...
Low Temperature Physics 36 (12), 1086-1090, 2010
Conduction-electron-mediated exchange coupling in heavy rare earth metal compounds RM and RM3
GE Grechnev, AS Panfilov, IV Svechkarev, KHJ Buschow, A Czopnik
Journal of alloys and compounds 226 (1-2), 107-112, 1995
Magnetovolume effect in UGa3
GE Grechnev, AS Panfilov, IV Svechkarev, A Delin, B Johansson, JM Wills, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 192 (1), 137-147, 1999
Exchange coupling in GdM compounds
KHJ Buschow, GE Grechnev, A Hjelm, Y Kasamatsu, AS Panfilov, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 244 (1-2), 113-120, 1996
The effect of pressure on the electronic structure and magnetic susceptibility of ε-FeSi
GE Grechnev, T Jarlborg, AS Panfilov, M Peter, IV Svechkarev
Solid state communications 91 (10), 835-838, 1994
The electronic structure and magnetic properties of RNi {sub 5-x} Cu {sub x}(R= Y, La, Ce) alloys; Ehlektronnaya struktura i magnitnye svojstva splavov RNi {sub 5-x} Cu {sub x …
GE Grechnev, AV Logosha, IV Svechkarev
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 32, 2006
Stabilization of potential superhard phases: A theoretical study
HW Hugosson, GE Grechnev, R Ahuja, U Helmersson, L Sa, O Eriksson
Physical Review B 66 (17), 174111, 2002
Magnetoresistance and electrical resistivity of N‐doped multi‐walled carbon nanotubes at low temperatures
IV Ovsienko, TA Len, LY Matsuy, YI Prylutskyy, IB Berkutov, ...
physica status solidi (b) 252 (6), 1402-1409, 2015
The pressure effect on the enhanced itinerant paramagnetism of Ni3Al and TiCo compounds
PE Brommer, GE Grechnev, JJM Franse, AS Panfilov, YY Pushkar, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 7 (16), 3173, 1995
Magnetic properties of RCoO3 cobaltites (R= La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu). Effects of hydrostatic and chemical pressure
AS Panfilov, GE Grechnev, IP Zhuravleva, AA Lyogenkaya, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 553, 80-87, 2019
Formation of nanostructure in magnesium diboride based materials with high superconducting characteristics
TA Prikhna, AP Shapovalov, GE Grechnev, VG Boutko, AA Gusev, ...
Low Temperature Physics 42 (5), 380-394, 2016
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Articles 1–20