Sergio F. Nigenda-Morales
Cited by
Cited by
The critically endangered vaquita is not doomed to extinction by inbreeding depression
JA Robinson, CC Kyriazis, SF Nigenda-Morales, AC Beichman, ...
Science 376 (6593), 635-639, 2022
Characterization of 13 microsatellite loci for the tope shark, Galeorhinus galeus, discovered with next-generation sequencing and their utility for eastern Pacific smooth-hound …
CL Chabot, S Nigenda
Conservation Genetics Resources 3, 553-555, 2011
MHC DQB-1 polymorphism in the Gulf of California fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) population
S Nigenda-Morales, S Flores-Ramírez, J Urbán-r, R Vazquez-Juarez
Journal of heredity 99 (1), 14-21, 2008
Genomic analyses reveal range‐wide devastation of sea otter populations
AC Beichman, P Kalhori, CC Kyriazis, AA DeVries, S Nigenda‐Morales, ...
Molecular ecology 32 (2), 281-298, 2023
Transcriptomic analysis of skin pigmentation variation in the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
SF Nigenda‐Morales, Y Hu, JC Beasley, HA Ruiz‐Piña, ...
Molecular Ecology 27 (12), 2680-2697, 2018
Mitochondrial and Nuclear Genetic Variation across Calving Lagoons in Eastern North Pacific Gray Whales (Eschrichtius robustus)
SE Alter, SF Ramirez, S Nigenda, JU Ramirez, LR Bracho, SR Palumbi
Journal of heredity 100 (1), 34-46, 2009
Phylogeographic and diversification patterns of the white-nosed coati (Nasua narica): Evidence for south-to-north colonization of North America
SF Nigenda-Morales, ME Gompper, D Valenzuela-Galván, AR Lay, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 131, 149-163, 2019
Playing by the rules? Phenotypic adaptation to temperate environments in an American marsupial.
S Nigenda-Morales, R Harrigan, R Wayne
PeerJ, 2018
Contrasting phylogeographic patterns among Northern and Southern Hemisphere fin whale populations with new data from the Southern Pacific
MJ Pérez-Alvarez, S Kraft, NI Segovia, C Olavarría, S Nigenda-Morales, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 630233, 2021
Evolution of the mutation spectrum across a mammalian phylogeny
AC Beichman, J Robinson, M Lin, A Moreno-Estrada, S Nigenda-Morales, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 40 (10), msad213, 2023
The genomic footprint of whaling and isolation in fin whale populations
SF Nigenda-Morales, M Lin, PG Nuñez-Valencia, CC Kyriazis, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 5465, 2023
Models based on best-available information support a low inbreeding load and potential for recovery in the vaquita
CC Kyriazis, JA Robinson, SF Nigenda-Morales, AC Beichman, ...
Heredity 130 (4), 183-187, 2023
Playing by the rules? Phenotypic adaptation to temperate environments in an American marsupial. PeerJ. 2018; 6: e4512
SF Nigenda-Morales, RJ Harrigan, RK Wayne
Phenotypic and gene expression variation in the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) and phylogeography of the white-nosed coati (Nasua narica)
SF Nigenda Morales
UCLA, 2016
A single sample is not enough to claim systematic conclusions, much less for taxa of conservation concern: comments on Jaramillo and Ruiz-García (2022)
D Valenzuela-Galván, E Vázquez-Domínguez, AD Cuarón, LB Vázquez, ...
Therya 14 (2), 197-199, 2023
Comparación de la diversidad genética en poblaciones del tejón (Nasua narica)
SF Nigenda-Morales, D Valenzuela-Galván
La biodiversidad en Morelos: Estudio de Estado 2 2, 420 - 423, 2020
Data for: Phylogeographic and diversification patterns of the white-nosed coati (Nasua narica): Evidence for south-to-north colonization of North America.
SF Nigenda-Morales, D Valenzuela-Galván, K McFadden, ME Gompper, ...
Mendeley Data, 2018
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Articles 1–17