Nejat Anbarci
Nejat Anbarci
Professor Nejat Anbarci, Durham University
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Earthquake fatalities: the interaction of nature and political economy
N Anbarci, M Escaleras, CA Register
Journal of public economics 89 (9-10), 1907-1933, 2005
Public sector corruption and major earthquakes: A potentially deadly interaction
M Escaleras, N Anbarci, CA Register
Public choice 132, 209-230, 2007
Comparing bargaining solutions in the shadow of conflict: How norms against threats can have real effects
N Anbarci, S Skaperdas, C Syropoulos
Journal of Economic Theory 106 (1), 1-16, 2002
Traffic fatalities and public sector corruption
N Anbarci, M Escaleras, C Register
Kyklos 59 (3), 327-344, 2006
How sensitive are bargaining outcomes to changes in disagreement payoffs?
N Anbarci, N Feltovich
Experimental economics 16, 560-596, 2013
Noncooperative foundations of the area monotonic solution
N Anbarci
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 108 (1), 245-258, 1993
The ill effects of public sector corruption in the water and sanitation sector
N Anbarci, M Escaleras, CA Register
Land Economics 85 (2), 363-377, 2009
Inter-firm complementarities in R&D: a re-examination of the relative performance of joint ventures
N Anbarci, R Lemke, S Roy
International Journal of Industrial Organization 20 (2), 191-213, 2002
Traffic fatalities: does income inequality create an externality?
N Anbarci, M Escaleras, CA Register
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 42 (1), 244-266, 2009
Evolutionary game model of group choice dilemmas on hypergraphs
A Civilini, N Anbarci, V Latora
Physical Review Letters 127 (26), 268301, 2021
Detecting racial bias in speed discounting: Evidence from speeding tickets in Boston
N Anbarci, J Lee
International Review of Law and Economics 38, 11-24, 2014
The area monotonic solution to the cooperative bargaining problem
N Anbarci, JP Bigelow
Mathematical Social Sciences 28 (2), 133-142, 1994
How fully do people exploit their bargaining position? The effects of bargaining institution and the 50–50 norm
N Anbarci, N Feltovich
Journal of economic behavior & organization 145, 320-334, 2018
Nash demand game and the Kalai–Smorodinsky solution
N Anbarci, JH Boyd III
Games and Economic Behavior 71 (1), 14-22, 2011
Payoff inequity reduces the effectiveness of correlated-equilibrium recommendations
N Anbarcı, N Feltovich, MY Gürdal
European Economic Review 108, 172-190, 2018
Robustness of intermediate agreements and bargaining solutions
N Anbarci, C Sun
Games and Economic Behavior 77 (1), 367-376, 2013
Divide-the-dollar game revisited
N Anbarci
Theory and Decision 50, 295-303, 2001
Designing practical and fair sequential team contests: The case of penalty shootouts
N Anbarcı, CJ Sun, MU Ünver
Games and Economic Behavior 130, 25-43, 2021
Finite alternating-move arbitration schemes and the equal area solution
N Anbarci
Theory and decision 61, 21-50, 2006
Lying about the price? Ultimatum bargaining with messages and imperfectly observed offers
N Anbarcı, N Feltovich, MY Gürdal
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 116, 346-360, 2015
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Artículos 1–20