Robert Beichner
Robert Beichner
Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor of Physics (Retired), North Carolina State University
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Scientific teaching
J Handelsman, D Ebert-May, R Beichner, P Bruns, A Chang, R DeHaan, ...
Science 304 (5670), 521-522, 2004
Testing student interpretation of kinematics graphs
RJ Beichner
American journal of Physics 62 (8), 750-762, 1994
The student-centered activities for large enrollment undergraduate programs (SCALE-UP) project
RJ Beichner, JM Saul, DS Abbott, JJ Morse, D Deardorff, RJ Allain, ...
Research-based reform of university physics 1 (1), 2-39, 2007
Students’ understanding of direct current resistive electrical circuits
PV Engelhardt, RJ Beichner
American journal of physics 72 (1), 98-115, 2004
Evaluating an electricity and magnetism assessment tool: Brief electricity and magnetism assessment
L Ding, R Chabay, B Sherwood, R Beichner
Physical Review Special Topics—Physics Education Research 2 (1), 010105, 2006
Approaches to data analysis of multiple-choice questions
L Ding, R Beichner
Physical Review Special Topics—Physics Education Research 5 (2), 020103, 2009
The impact of video motion analysis on kinematics graph interpretation skills
RJ Beichner
American Journal of physics 64 (10), 1272-1277, 1996
Comparison of student performance using web and paper‐based homework in college‐level physics
SW Bonham, DL Deardorff, RJ Beichner
Journal of research in science teaching 40 (10), 1050-1071, 2003
The effect of simultaneous motion presentation and graph generation in a kinematics lab
RJ Beichner
Journal of research in science teaching 27 (8), 803-815, 1990
Online homework: Does it make a difference?
S Bonham, R Beichner, D Deardorff
The Physics Teacher 39 (5), 293-296, 2001
History and evolution of active learning spaces
RJ Beichner
New directions for teaching and learning 2014 (137), 9-16, 2014
Case study of the physics component of an integrated curriculum
R Beichner, L Bernold, E Burniston, P Dail, R Felder, J Gastineau, ...
American Journal of Physics 67 (S1), S16-S24, 1999
The SCALE-UP Project: a student-centered active learning environment for undergraduate programs
R Beichner
An invited white paper for the National Academy of Sciences, 2008
Introduction to the SCALE-UP (student-centered activities for large enrollment undergraduate programs) project
RJ Beichner, JM Saul
Proceedings of the International School of Physics, 1-17, 2003
Scaling up education reform
JDH Gaffney, E Richards, MB Kustusch, L Ding, RJ Beichner
Journal of college science teaching 37 (5), 48, 2008
Introduction to SCALE-UP: Student-Centered Activities for Large Enrollment University Physics.
RJ Beichner, JM Saul, RJ Allain, DL Deardorff, DS Abbott
An introduction to physics education research
J Aalst
Canadian Journal of Physics 78 (1), 57-71, 2000
Impact of animation on assessment of conceptual understanding in physics
MH Dancy, R Beichner
Physical Review Special Topics—Physics Education Research 2 (1), 010104, 2006
Física para ciencias e ingeniería
RA Serway, RJ Beichner
McGraw-Hill, 2002
Multimedia editing to promote science learning.
RJ Beichner
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 13 (2), 147-62, 1994
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