Fiorella De Fiore
Fiorella De Fiore
Bank of International Settlements
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The ECB's asset purchase programme: an early assessment
P Andrade, J Breckenfelder, F De Fiore, P Karadi, O Tristani
ECB working paper, 2016
Bank finance versus bond finance
F De Fiore, H Uhlig
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 43 (7), 1399-1421, 2011
Optimal monetary policy in a model of the credit channel
FD Fiore, O Tristani
The Economic Journal 123 (571), 906-931, 2013
Corporate debt structure and the financial crisis
F De Fiore, H Uhlig
Journal of Money, credit and Banking 47 (8), 1571-1598, 2015
A global database on central banks' monetary responses to Covid-19
C Cantº, P Cavallino, F De Fiore, J Yetman
Bank for International Settlements: Monetary and Economic Department, 2021
Central banks' response to Covid-19 in advanced economies
P Cavallino, F De Fiore
Bank for International Settlements (BIS), 2020
Bank finance versus bond finance: what explains the differences between US and Europe?
F De Fiore, H Uhlig
ECB working paper, 2005
Does trade openness matter for aggregate instability?
F De Fiore, Z Liu
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 29 (7), 1165-1192, 2005
Monetary policy and the financing of firms
FD Fiore, P Teles, O Tristani
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 3 (4), 112-142, 2011
Credit and the natural rate of interest
F De Fiore, O Tristani
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 43 (2‐3), 407-440, 2011
Money markets, collateral and monetary policy
F De Fiore, M Hoerova, C Rogers, H Uhlig
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2018
The transmission of monetary policy in Israel
F De Fiore
International Monetary Fund, 1998
Are major advanced economies on the verge of a wage-price spiral?
F Boissay, F De Fiore, D Igan, AP Tejada, D Rees
BIS Bulletins, 2022
Openness and equilibrium determinacy under interest rate rules
F De Fiore, Z Liu
Available at SSRN 358106, 2002
Oil price shocks, monetary policy rules and welfare
F De Fiore, G Lombardo, V Stebunovs
Computing in Economics and Finance, Society for Computational Economics 402, 2006
Are households indifferent to monetary policy announcements?
F De Fiore, MJ Lombardi, J Schuffels
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP17041, 2022
The optimal mix of taxes on money, consumption and income
F De Fiore, P Teles
Journal of Monetary Economics 50 (4), 871-887, 2003
Credit subsidies
I Correia, F De Fiore, P Teles, O Tristani
Journal of Monetary Economics 118, 2-14, 2021
Rising household inflation expectations: what are the communication challenges for central banks?
F De Fiore, T Goel, D Igan, R Moessner
BIS Bulletins, 2022
The ECB's asset purchase programme: an early assessment
J Breckenfelder, F De Fiore, P Andrade, P Karadi, O Tristani
European Central Bank Working Paper Series, 2016
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