Adolfo J. Quiroz
Adolfo J. Quiroz
Profesor Asociado, Universidad de Los Andes
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Cited by
Connectivity of the mutual k-nearest-neighbor graph in clustering and outlier detection
MR Brito, EL Chávez, AJ Quiroz, JE Yukich
Statistics & Probability Letters 35 (1), 33-42, 1997
A statistic for testing the null hypothesis of elliptical symmetry
A Manzotti, FJ Pérez, AJ Quiroz
Journal of multivariate analysis 81 (2), 274-285, 2002
A Permutation Based Algorithm for Block Clustering
DE Duffy, AJ Quiroz
Journal of Classification 8, 65-91, 1991
A clustering procedure based on the comparison between the k nearest neighbors graph and the minimal spanning tree
JM González-Barrios, AJ Quiroz
Statistics & Probability Letters 62 (1), 23-34, 2003
Using the empirical moment generating function in testing for the Weibull and the type I extreme value distributions
A Cabaña, AJ Quiroz
Test 14, 417-431, 2005
A probabilistic methodology for distribution substation location
HM Khodr, JA Melián, AJ Quiroz, DC Picado, JM Yusta, AJ Urdaneta
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 18 (1), 388-393, 2003
Some new tests for multivariate normality
AJ Quiroz, RM Dudley
Probability Theory and Related Fields 87 (4), 521-546, 1991
Intrinsic dimension identification via graph-theoretic methods
MR Brito, AJ Quiroz, JE Yukich
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 116, 263-277, 2013
Machine learning techniques to select Be star candidates. An application in the OGLE-IV Gaia south ecliptic pole field
MF Pérez-Ortiz, A García-Varela, AJ Quiroz, BE Sabogal, J Hernández
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2017
Fast random generation of binary, t-ary and other types of trees
AJ Quiroz
Journal of classification 6, 223-231, 1989
A vectorial notion of skewness and its use in testing for multivariate symmetry
N Balakrishnan, MR Brito, AJ Quiroz
Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods 36 (9), 1757-1767, 2007
Local angles and dimension estimation from data on manifolds
M Díaz, AJ Quiroz, M Velasco
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 173, 229-247, 2019
Estimation of Seed Shadows Generated by Andean Woolly Monkeys (Lagothrix lagothricha lugens)
PR Stevenson, A Link, A Onshuus, AJ Quiroz, M Velasco
International Journal of Primatology 35, 1021-1036, 2014
Graph-theoretic procedures for dimension identification
MR Brito, AJ Quiroz, JE Yukich
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 81 (1), 67-84, 2002
Spherical harmonics in quadratic forms for testing multivariate normality
A Manzotti, AJ Quiroz
Test 10, 87-104, 2001
Estimation of a multivariate Box-Cox transformation to elliptical symmetry via the empirical characteristic function
AJ Quiroz, M Nakamura, FJ Pérez
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 48, 687-709, 1996
On the goodness-of-fit procedure for normality based on the empirical characteristic function for ranked set sampling data
N Balakrishnan, MR Brito, AJ Quiroz
Metrika 76, 161-177, 2013
Nearest neighbors methods for support vector machines
SA Camelo, MD González-Lima, AJ Quiroz
Annals of Operations Research 235, 85-101, 2015
A fast permutation-based algorithm for block clustering
I Llatas, AJ Quiroz, JM Renom
Test 6, 397-418, 1997
Rank regression for current status data
J Aragón, AJ Quiróz
Statistics & probability letters 24 (3), 251-256, 1995
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Articles 1–20