Ricardo Fort
Ricardo Fort
GRADE, Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo
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Cited by
The impact of fair trade certification for coffee farmers in Peru
R Ruben, R Fort
World development 40 (3), 570-582, 2012
Measuring the impact of fair trade on development
R Ruben, R Fort, G Zúñiga-Arias
Routledge 19 (6), 777-788, 2009
Mapeo y tipología de la expansión urbana en el Perú
Á Espinoza, R Fort
Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo, 2020
Inversión pública y descentralización: sus efectos sobre la pobreza rural en la última década
R Fort, H Paredes
MISC 76, 128, 2015
Inversión sin planificación: la calidad de la inversión pública en los barrios vulnerables de Lima
Á Espinoza, R Fort
MISC, 2017
Natural hazards and risk aversion: Experimental evidence from Latin America
M Van Den Berg, R Fort, K Burger
Planificar la informalidad: herramientas para el desarrollo de mercados de «urbanizaciones informales planificadas»
Á Espinoza, R Fort
Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo, 2018
The impact of Fair Trade on banana producers in northern Peru
R Fort, R Ruben
The impact of fair trade, 49-73, 2008
Agricultura peruana: nuevas miradas desde el Censo Agropecuario
J Escobal, R Fort, E Zegarra
MISC, 2015
The impact of fair trade certification on coffee producers in Peru
R Fort, R Ruben
The impact of fair trade, 75-98, 2008
The homogenization effect of land titling on investment incentives: evidence from Peru
R Fort
NJAS: Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 55 (4), 325-343, 2008
Land reform and human capital development: Evidence from Peru
M Albertus, M Espinoza, R Fort
Journal of Development Economics 147, 102540, 2020
Does certification improve hired labour conditions and wageworker conditions at banana plantations?
F Van Rijn, R Fort, R Ruben, T Koster, G Beekman
Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2), 353-370, 2020
Consultoría:“Marco conceptual y análisis de brechas de ejecución de presupuesto de inversión pública en infraestructura de los gobiernos regional es de Arequipa y Piura”
A Espinoza, R Fort, F Prada
Lima, 2010
Land inequality and economic growth: a dynamic panel data approach
R Fort
Agricultural Economics 37 (2‐3), 159-165, 2007
Peru: learning by doing
A Pascó-Font, AD Hurtado, G Damonte, R Fort, G Salas
Large mines and the community. Socioeconomic and environmental effects in …, 2001
Property rights after market liberalization reforms: land titling and investments in rural Peru
R Fort
PQDT-Global, 2007
The impact of certification on smallholder coffee farmers in Kenya: the case of ‘UTZ’certification program
MW Kamau, LO Mose, R Fort, R Ruben
Impact Assessment of Fairtrade Programs for Coffee and Bananas in Peru, Costa Rica and Ghana
R Ruben, R Fort, G Zuniga
Nijmegen, Centre for International Development Issues, 2008
Disaster Risk and Poverty in Latin America: The Peruvian Case Study
M Glave, R Fort, C Rosemberg
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Articles 1–20