Laura Machlin
Laura Machlin
Child Development and Behavior Branch, NICHD
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Differential associations of deprivation and threat with cognitive control and fear conditioning in early childhood
L Machlin, AB Miller, J Snyder, KA McLaughlin, MA Sheridan
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 80, 2019
Brain mechanisms of attention orienting following frustration: associations with irritability and age in youths
WL Tseng, CM Deveney, J Stoddard, K Kircanski, AE Frackman, JY Yi, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 176 (1), 67-76, 2019
Deprivation and psychopathology in the Fragile Families Study: A 15‐year longitudinal investigation
AB Miller, L Machlin, KA McLaughlin, MA Sheridan
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 62 (4), 382-391, 2021
Test-retest reliability and validity of a frustration paradigm and irritability measures
WL Tseng, E Moroney, L Machlin, R Roberson-Nay, JM Hettema, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 212, 38-45, 2017
Early adversity and children's emotion regulation: Differential roles of parent emotion regulation and adversity exposure
HM Milojevich, L Machlin, MA Sheridan
Development and Psychopathology 32 (5), 1788-1798, 2020
Brain structure mediates the association between socioeconomic status and attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder
L Machlin, KA McLaughlin, MA Sheridan
Developmental science 23 (1), e12844, 2020
Anxiety symptoms and children's eye gaze during fear learning
KJ Michalska, L Machlin, E Moroney, DS Lowet, JM Hettema, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 58 (11), 1276-1286, 2017
The role of numeracy and approximate number system acuity in predicting value and probability distortion
AL Patalano, JR Saltiel, L Machlin, H Barth
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 22 (6), 1820-1829, 2015
The inventory of callous-unemotional traits (ICU) in children: reliability and heritability
AA Moore, D Carney, E Moroney, L Machlin, KE Towbin, MA Brotman, ...
Behavior genetics 47, 141-151, 2017
The Twin Study of Negative Valence Emotional Constructs
DM Carney, E Moroney, L Machlin, S Hahn, JE Savage, M Lee, ...
Twin Research and Human Genetics, 1-9, 2016
Predictors of Family Violence in North Carolina Following Initial COVID-19 Stay-At-Home Orders
L Machlin, MA Gruhn, AB Miller, HM Milojevich, S Motton, A Findley, ...
Child Abuse & Neglect, 105376, 2021
Distinct associations of deprivation and threat with alterations in brain structure in early childhood
L Machlin, HL Egger, CR Stein, E Navarro, KLH Carpenter, S Goel, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 62 (8), 885 …, 2023
Emotion Reactivity and Regulation in Adolescent Girls Following an Interpersonal Rejection
AB Miller, MJ Prinstein, E Munier, LS Machlin, MA Sheridan
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 31 (2), 249-261, 2019
Association of adversity with psychopathology in early childhood: Dimensional and cumulative approaches
CR Stein, MA Sheridan, WE Copeland, LS Machlin, KLH Carpenter, ...
Depression and Anxiety, 2022
The development of adaptive behaviour in toddlers and preschoolers with fragile X versus autism
LM McCary, L Machlin, JE Roberts
International journal of developmental disabilities 59 (2), 67-79, 2013
Psychosocial deprivation and receptive language ability: a two-sample study
KL Humphreys, LS Machlin, KL Guyon-Harris, CA Nelson, NA Fox, ...
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 12, 1-11, 2020
Fear‐potentiated startle response as an endophenotype: Evaluating metrics and methods for genetic applications
JE Savage, AA Moore, CK Sawyers, JL Bourdon, B Verhulst, DM Carney, ...
Psychophysiology 56 (5), e13325, 2019
Latent structure of negative valence measures in childhood
M Lee, SH Aggen, DM Carney, S Hahn, E Moroney, L Machlin, ...
Depression and anxiety 34 (8), 742-751, 2017
Child anxiety and depression symptom trajectories and predictors over 15 months of the Coronavirus pandemic
M Gruhn, AB Miller, L Machlin, S Motton, CE Thinzar, MA Sheridan
Research on child and adolescent psychopathology 51 (2), 233-246, 2023
Threat responsivity predicts posttraumatic stress disorder hyperarousal symptoms in children after Hurricane Florence
AR Naudé, L Machlin, S Furlong, MA Sheridan
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 22 (4), 690-702, 2022
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Articles 1–20