Juan Carlos Gozzi
Cited by
Cited by
Internationalization and the evolution of corporate valuation
JC Gozzi, R Levine, SL Schmukler
Journal of Financial Economics 88 (3), 607-632, 2008
Stock market development under globalization: Whither the gains from reforms?
A De la Torre, JC Gozzi, SL Schmukler
Journal of Banking & Finance 31 (6), 1731-1754, 2007
Innovative Experiences in Access to Finance: Market-Friendly Roles for the Visible Hand?
A De la Torre, JC Gozzi, SL Schmukler
World Bank Publications, 2017
Patterns of international capital raisings
JC Gozzi, R Levine, SL Schmukler
Journal of international Economics 80 (1), 45-57, 2010
How firms use corporate bond markets under financial globalization
JC Gozzi, R Levine, MSM Peria, SL Schmukler
Journal of Banking & Finance 58, 532-551, 2015
Capital market development: whither Latin America?
A De la Torre, JC Gozzi, SL Schmukler
Financial Markets Volatility and Performance in Emerging Markets, 121-154, 2008
To the victor belongs the spoils? Party membership and public sector employment in Brazil
F Brollo, P Forquesato, JC Gozzi
Party Membership and Public Sector Employment in Brazil (October 2017), 2017
Public credit guarantees and access to finance
JC Gozzi, S Schmukler
Innovative experiences in access to finance: market friendly roles for the visible hand
A De la Torre, JC Gozzi, S Schmukler
World Bank Latin America and Caribbean Regional Study, Washington, DC, 2006
Liquidity shocks, local banks, and economic activity: Evidence from the 2007-2009 crisis
MR Goetz, JC Gozzi
Local Banks, and Economic Activity: Evidence from the 2009, 2007
Financial development: Maturing and emerging policy issues
A De la Torre, JC Gozzi, SL Schmukler
The World Bank Research Observer 22 (1), 67-102, 2007
Financial development in Latin America: big emerging issues, limited policy answers
A De la Torre, JC Gozzi
World Bank Publications, 2006
Financial integration and the co-movement of economic activity: Evidence from US states
MR Goetz, JC Gozzi
Journal of International Economics 135, 103561, 2022
Capital Market Development: Whither Latin America?
SL Schmukler, JC Gozzi, A De la Torre
The World Bank, 2007
Financial integration and the co-movement of economic activity: evidence from US states
MR Goetz, JC Gozzi
Available at SSRN 2362274, 2019
Innovative experiences in access to finance: market-friendly roles for the visible hand?
AD Torre, JC Gozzi, SL Schumukler
(No Title), 2007
El desarrollo económico en América Latina: grandes problemas emergentes, respuestas políticas limitadas
A De La Torre, JC Gozzi, SL Schmukler
José Luis MACHINEA y Narcí SERRA (coords.). Visiones del desarrollo en …, 2007
Beyond Transition 18 (2)
U Teksoz, R Cull, P Wachtel, R Levine, A Demirguc_Kunt, A Torre, ...
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Articles 1–18