Özlem Çavuş
Özlem Çavuş
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Shelter site location under multi-hazard scenarios
E Ozbay, Ö Çavuş, BY Kara
Computers & operations research 106, 102-118, 2019
Risk-averse control of undiscounted transient Markov models
O Cavus, A Ruszczynski
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 52 (6), 3935-3966, 2014
The value of multi-stage stochastic programming in risk-averse unit commitment under uncertainty
Aİ Mahmutoğulları, S Ahmed, Ö Çavuş, MS Aktürk
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (5), 3667-3676, 2019
Computational methods for risk-averse undiscounted transient Markov models
Ö Çavuş, A Ruszczyński
Operations Research 62 (2), 401-417, 2014
Multi-stage airline scheduling problem with stochastic passenger demand and non-cruise times
Ö Şafak, Ö Çavuş, MS Aktürk
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 114, 39-67, 2018
Bounds on risk-averse mixed-integer multi-stage stochastic programming problems with mean-CVaR
Aİ Mahmutoğulları, Ö Çavuş, MS Aktürk
European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2), 595-608, 2018
A risk-averse approach for the planning of a hybrid energy system with conventional hydropower
Ö Çavuş, AS Kocaman, Ö Yılmaz
Computers & Operations Research 126, 105092, 2021
Modeling of bus transit driver availability for effective emergency evacuation in disaster relief
EF Morgul, O Cavus, K Ozbay, C Iyigun
Transportation research record 2376 (1), 45-55, 2013
A two-stage decision dependent stochastic approach for airline flight network expansion
Ö Şafak, Ö Çavuş, MS Aktürk
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 158, 78-101, 2022
A mean-CVaR approach to the risk-averse single allocation hub location problem with flow-dependent economies of scale
N Ghaffarinasab, Ö Çavuş, BY Kara
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 167, 32-53, 2023
Risk-averse allocation indices for multiarmed bandit problem
M Malekipirbazari, Ö Çavuş
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (11), 5522-5529, 2021
Multi-stage stochastic programming for demand response optimization
MK Şahin, Ö Çavuş, H Yaman
Computers & Operations Research 118, 104928, 2020
An exact solution approach for risk-averse mixed-integer multi-stage stochastic programming problems
Aİ Mahmutoğulları, Ö Çavuş, MS Aktürk
Annals of Operations Research, 1-22, 2019
Index policy for multiarmed bandit problem with dynamic risk measures
M Malekipirbazari, Ö Çavuş
European Journal of Operational Research 312 (2), 627-640, 2024
Multi-objective risk-averse two-stage stochastic programming problems
Ç Ararat, Ö Çavuş, Aİ Mahmutoğulları
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.06403, 2017
Capacitated facility location problem with customer and facility differentiation
Ö Çavuş
Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 2007
Risk-averse stochastic orienteering problems
Ö Çavuş
Eskişehir Technical University Journal of Science and Technology A-Applied …, 2019
Validation of traffic simulation models using reinforcement learning
B Bartin, K Ozbay, O Cavus
Transportation Research Board 90th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2011
A two-stage decision dependent stochastic approach for airline flight network expansion
OS Aydiner, Ö Çavuş, MS Aktürk
The 65th OR Society Annual Conference-OR65, 2023
Capacitated facility location with heterogeneous customers and facilities
Ö Çavuş, İK Altınel, N Aras
Bogazici University, 2007
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