Ashley McLeod-Morin
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Describing interdisciplinary agricultural research center directors’ perceptions of science communication through goals and beliefs
A McLeod-Morin, R Telg, J Rumble
Journal of Applied Communications 104 (1), 7, 2020
Challenges and Motivations of Science Communication: An Administrative Perspective at Land-Grant Universities
A McLeod-Morin, JN Rumble, RW Telg
Journal of Applied Communications 105 (3), 2, 2021
Framing friction: A content analysis investigating how the CDC framed social media communication with the public during the COVID-19 pandemic
M Kandzer, V Castano, LM Baker, A McLeod-Morin
Journal of Applied Communications 106 (1), 4, 2022
Exploring social media engagement of a mosquito control campaign: comparing engagement rates per content type and content frame
A McLeod-Morin, P Beattie, S Rampold, R Telg
Journal of Applied Communications 104 (1), 8, 2020
The science of mosquitoes: Youths’ perceptions, engagement, and learning from a Skype in the classroom science communication program
A McLeod-Morin, P Beattie, W Stone, K Kent, J Loizzo, R Telg
Advancements in Agricultural Development 1 (2), 79-89, 2020
Who do you know? Zoonotic disease communication networks of livestock producers, veterinarians, human health professionals, and emergency managers
L Baker, A McLeod-Morin, M Bausch, A Lindsey
Advancements in Agricultural Development 1 (2), 39-52, 2020
Utilizing Twitter to communicate risk after a natural disaster
TK Ruth, T Suits, A McLeod-Morin, RW Telg
Journal of Applied Communications 104 (1), 5, 2020
Mosquito education that doesn’t suck
C Parker, A McLeod-Morin, S Honeycutt
American Entomologist 66 (1), 20-23, 2020
No online information outbreak: A quantitative content analysis of the CDC and USDA websites for available information on zoonotic disease
L Baker, A McLeod-Morin, K Kent, A Lindsey
Advancements in Agricultural Development 1 (1), 25-37, 2020
Impacting agriculture and natural resource policy: County commissioners’ decision-making behaviors and communication preferences
K Lawson, K Kent, S Rampold, RW Telg, A McLeod-Morin
Journal of Applied Communications 104 (1), 6, 2020
Tweet tweet tick: a quantitative content analysis of risk communication about ticks on Twitter
CX Yang, LM Baker, A McLeod-Morin
Frontiers in Communication 9, 1339356, 2024
Rural Redemption: A Model to Help Understand the Perspectives of Rural Americans Related to Vaccine Science
L Baker, A McLeod-Morin, CX Yang, AEH King, S Thomas, K Boone
Journal of Applied Communications 106 (4), 1, 2023
Communication in a pandemic: Concerns of agricultural and natural resources opinion leaders during early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
L Baker, C Chiarelli, S Rampold, A McLeod-Morin, A Lindsey
Advancements in Agricultural Development 2 (3), 72-82, 2021
Public perceptions of mosquitoes and mosquito control
S Rampold, R Telg, A Poulin, S Anderson, A Lindsey, A McLeod-Morin, ...
Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, University of …, 2020
All in a moment: Continuous response measurement method for analyzing dynamic science communication content
LM Baker, A McLeod-Morin, A Mattox
Advancements in Agricultural Development 5 (2), 135-151, 2024
It All Goes Back to Trust: A qualitative exploration of extension professionals perceptions of COVID-19 vaccines in rural Florida
A McLeod-Morin, L Lundy, AB Lindsey, MS Kandzer, R Telg, T Irani
Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 15 (1), 55-62, 2023
Rewarding relationships: A quasi-experimental design evaluating the impact of an extension public relations seminar
A McLeod-Morin, LM Baker, C Boyer, AM Zagonel, AB Lindsey
Journal of Human Sciences and Extension 11 (1), 4, 2023
Shifting Focus: Collecting Focus Group Data Online: WC413/AEC752, 3/2022
A Zagonel, A King, LM Baker, AB Lindsey, S Anderson, RW Telg, ...
EDIS 2022 (2), 2022
Public Opinion in a Pandemic: Four Surveys Conducted with Americans throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
LM Baker, CX Yang, AB Lindsey, A McLeod-Morin, RW Telg, A Zagonel, ...
Agriculture and natural resources business owners economic and communication concerns early in the COVID-19 pandemic
L Baker, M Kandzer, S Rampold, C Chiarelli, H Peterson, ...
Advancements in Agricultural Development 1 (3), 95-110, 2020
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Articles 1–20