Jun Zhu
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Cited by
Mapping QTLs with epistatic effects and QTL× environment interactions by mixed linear model approaches
DL Wang, J Zhu, ZKL Li, AH Paterson
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 99, 1255-1264, 1999
A generalized combinatorial approach for detecting gene-by-gene and gene-by-environment interactions with application to nicotine dependence
XY Lou, GB Chen, L Yan, JZ Ma, J Zhu, RC Elston, MD Li
The American Journal of Human Genetics 80 (6), 1125-1137, 2007
QTLNetwork: mapping and visualizing genetic architecture of complex traits in experimental populations
J Yang, C Hu, H Hu, R Yu, Z Xia, X Ye, J Zhu
Bioinformatics 24 (5), 721-723, 2008
Analysis of conditional genetic effects and variance components in developmental genetics.
J Zhu
Genetics 141 (4), 1633-1639, 1995
Mapping the genetic architecture of complex traits in experimental populations
J Yang, J Zhu, RW Williams
Bioinformatics 23 (12), 1527-1536, 2007
Secure transmission in multicell massive MIMO systems
J Zhu, R Schober, VK Bhargava
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (9), 4766-4781, 2014
Numerical simulation: toward the design of high-efficiency planar perovskite solar cells
F Liu, J Zhu, J Wei, Y Li, M Lv, S Yang, B Zhang, J Yao, S Dai
Applied Physics Letters 104 (25), 2014
Methods of constructing core collections by stepwise clustering with three sampling strategies based on the genotypic values of crops
J Hu, J Zhu, HM Xu
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 101, 264-268, 2000
朱军, 农业部, 教育司
中国农业出版社, 1997
Quantitative trait loci analysis for the developmental behavior of tiller number in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
JQ Yan, J Zhu, CX He, M Benmoussa, P Wu
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 97, 267-274, 1998
Low‐Temperature In Situ Amino Functionalization of TiO2 Nanoparticles Sharpens Electron Management Achieving over 21% Efficient Planar Perovskite Solar Cells
W Hu, W Zhou, X Lei, P Zhou, M Zhang, T Chen, H Zeng, J Zhu, S Dai, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (8), 1806095, 2019
Developmental quantitative genetics, conditional epigenetic variability and growth in mice
WR Atchley, J Zhu
Genetics 147 (2), 765-776, 1997
Incorporating Graphitic Carbon Nitride (g‐C3N4) Quantum Dots into Bulk‐Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells Leads to Efficiency Enhancement
X Chen, Q Liu, Q Wu, P Du, J Zhu, S Dai, S Yang
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (11), 1719-1728, 2016
Linear precoding of data and artificial noise in secure massive MIMO systems
J Zhu, R Schober, VK Bhargava
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (3), 2245-2261, 2015
Genome-scale identification and analysis of LEA genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
XS Wang, HB Zhu, GL Jin, HL Liu, WR Wu, J Zhu
Plant Science 172 (2), 414-420, 2007
Molecular dissection of developmental behavior of plant height in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
J Yan, J Zhu, C He, M Benmoussa, P Wu
Genetics 150 (3), 1257-1265, 1998
Influence of temperature variations on rate of development in insects: analysis of case studies from entomological literature
SS Liu, GM Zhang, JUN Zhu
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 88 (2), 107-119, 1995
Impact of epistasis and QTL× environment interaction on the developmental behavior of plant height in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
G Cao, J Zhu, C He, Y Gao, J Yan, P Wu
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 103, 153-160, 2001
Methods for predicting superior genotypes under multiple environments based on QTL effects
J Yang, J Zhu
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 110, 1268-1274, 2005
Multi-objective optimization for robust power efficient and secure full-duplex wireless communication systems
Y Sun, DWK Ng, J Zhu, R Schober
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (8), 5511-5526, 2016
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