Juan Infante-Amate
Juan Infante-Amate
Department of Economic History, University of Granada, Spain
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Strategies for greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in Mediterranean agriculture: A review
A Sanz-Cobena, L Lassaletta, E Aguilera, A del Prado, J Garnier, G Billen, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 238, 5-24, 2017
Impact of historical land use and soil management change on soil erosion and agricultural sustainability during the Anthropocene
T Vanwalleghem, JA Gómez, JI Amate, MG De Molina, K Vanderlinden, ...
Anthropocene 17, 13-29, 2017
‘Sustainable de-growth’in agriculture and food: an agro-ecological perspective on Spain’s agri-food system (year 2000)
JI Amate, MG De Molina
Journal of Cleaner production 38, 27-35, 2013
Quantifying the effect of historical soil management on soil erosion rates in Mediterranean olive orchards
T Vanwalleghem, JI Amate, MG de Molina, DS Fernández, JA Gómez
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 142 (3-4), 341-351, 2011
Olive cultivation, its impact on soil erosion and its progression into yield impacts in Southern Spain in the past as a key to a future of increasing climate uncertainty
JA Gómez, J Infante-Amate, M González de Molina, T Vanwalleghem, ...
Agriculture 4 (2), 170-198, 2014
The social metabolism of Spanish agriculture, 1900–2008: The Mediterranean way towards industrialization
M González de Molina, D Soto Fernández, G Guzmán Casado, ...
Springer Nature, 2020
The social metabolism of biomass in Spain, 1900–2008: From food to feed-oriented changes in the agro-ecosystems
D Soto, J Infante-Amate, GI Guzmán, A Cid, E Aguilera, R García, ...
Ecological Economics 128, 130-138, 2016
Embodied energy in agricultural inputs. Incorporating a historical perspective
E Aguilera, G Guzmán Casado, J Infante Amate, D Soto Fernández, ...
Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria, 2015
Methodology and conversion factors to estimate the net primary productivity of historical and contemporary agroecosystems
G Guzmán, E Aguilera, D Soto, A Cid, J Infante, RG Ruiz, A Herrera, I Villa, ...
Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad de Estudios de Historia Agraria, 2014
Spanish agriculture from 1900 to 2008: a long-term perspective on agroecosystem energy from an agroecological approach
GI Guzmán, MG de Molina, DS Fernández, J Infante-Amate, E Aguilera
Regional Environmental Change, 1-14, 2017
El metabolismo social. Historia, métodos y principales aportaciones
J Infante-Amate, MG De Molina, VM Toledo
Revibec: revista iberoamericana de economía ecológica 27, 130-152, 2017
¿ Quién levantó los olivos
J Infante-Amate
Historia de la especialización olivarera en el sur de España (ss. XVIII-XX …, 2014
A historical perspective on soil organic carbon in Mediterranean cropland (Spain, 1900–2008)
E Aguilera, GI Guzmán, J Álvaro-Fuentes, J Infante-Amate, R García-Ruiz, ...
Science of The Total Environment 621, 634-648, 2018
The Spanish transition to industrial metabolism: Long‐term material flow analysis (1860–2010)
J Infante‐Amate, D Soto, E Aguilera, R García‐Ruiz, G Guzmán, A Cid, ...
Journal of Industrial Ecology 19 (5), 866-876, 2015
Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable
L Kehoe, T Reis, M Virah-Sawmy, A Balmford, T Kuemmerle, ...
Science 364 (6438), 341-341, 2019
From animals to machines. The impact of mechanization on the carbon footprint of traction in Spanish agriculture: 1900–2014
E Aguilera, GI Guzmán, MG de Molina, D Soto, J Infante-Amate
Journal of cleaner production 221, 295-305, 2019
The ecology and history of the mediterranean olive grove: The Spanish great expansion, 1750-2000
J Infante-Amate
Rural History 23 (2), 161-184, 2012
Trade, ecologically unequal exchange and colonial legacy: the case of France and its former colonies (1962–2015)
J Infante-Amate, F Krausmann
Ecological economics 156, 98-109, 2019
Las venas abiertas de América Latina en la era del Antropoceno: Un estudio biofísico del comercio exterior (1900-2016)
J Infante-Amate, AU Mesa, ET Aragay
Diálogos Revista Electrónica de Historia 21 (2), 177-214, 2020
Guidelines for Constructing Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Balances in Historical Agricultural Systems
R Garcia-Ruiz, MG de Molina, G Guzmán, D Soto, J Infante-Amate
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 36 (6), 650-682, 2012
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Artículos 1–20