Matthias Sperber
Matthias Sperber
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Self-attentional acoustic models
M Sperber, J Niehues, G Neubig, S Stüker, A Waibel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.09519, 2018
Attention-passing models for robust and data-efficient end-to-end speech translation
M Sperber, G Neubig, J Niehues, A Waibel
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 7, 313-325, 2019
Findings of the IWSLT 2022 Evaluation Campaign.
A Anastasopoulos, L Barrault, L Bentivogli, MZ Boito, O Bojar, R Cattoni, ...
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Spoken Language …, 2022
Speech translation and the end-to-end promise: Taking stock of where we are
M Sperber, M Paulik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.06358, 2020
Neural lattice-to-sequence models for uncertain inputs
M Sperber, G Neubig, J Niehues, A Waibel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.00559, 2017
Toward robust neural machine translation for noisy input sequences
M Sperber, J Niehues, A Waibel
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Spoken Language …, 2017
XNMT: The extensible neural machine translation toolkit
G Neubig, M Sperber, X Wang, M Felix, A Matthews, S Padmanabhan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.00188, 2018
Low-latency neural speech translation
J Niehues, NQ Pham, TL Ha, M Sperber, A Waibel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.00491, 2018
Comparison of decoding strategies for ctc acoustic models
T Zenkel, R Sanabria, F Metze, J Niehues, M Sperber, S Stüker, A Waibel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.04469, 2017
Self-attentional models for lattice inputs
M Sperber, G Neubig, NQ Pham, A Waibel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01617, 2019
JAguc—a software package for environmental diversity analyses
ME Nebel, S Wild, M Holzhauser, L Huettenberger, R Reitzig, M Sperber, ...
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 9 (06), 749-773, 2011
Findings of the iwslt 2023 evaluation campaign
M Agarwal, S Agarwal, A Anastasopoulos, L Bentivogli, O Bojar, C Borg, ...
Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023
Fluent translations from disfluent speech in end-to-end speech translation
E Salesky, M Sperber, A Waibel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.00556, 2019
Exploring phoneme-level speech representations for end-to-end speech translation
E Salesky, M Sperber, AW Black
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01199, 2019
Efficient Transcription Through Respeaking
M Sperber, G Neubig, C Fügen, S Nakamura, A Waibel
Interspeech, 2013
Dynamic Transcription for Low-Latency Speech Translation.
J Niehues, TS Nguyen, E Cho, TL Ha, K Kilgour, M Müller, M Sperber, ...
Interspeech, 2513-2517, 2016
End-to-end speech translation for code switched speech
O Weller, M Sperber, T Pires, H Setiawan, C Gollan, D Telaar, M Paulik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.05076, 2022
Paraphrases as foreign languages in multilingual neural machine translation
Z Zhou, M Sperber, A Waibel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.08438, 2018
Transcribing against time
M Sperber, G Neubig, J Niehues, S Nakamura, A Waibel
Speech communication 93, 20-30, 2017
Adaptation and combination of nmt systems: The kit translation systems for iwslt 2016
E Cho, J Niehues, TL Ha, M Sperber, M Mediani, A Waibel
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation, 2016
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Articles 1–20