Stoichiometry, surface and structural characterization of lead iodide thin films JF Condeles, RCZ Lofrano, JM Rosolen, M Mulato Brazilian Journal of Physics 36, 320-323, 2006 | 53 | 2006 |
Synthesis of single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes by arc-water method LA Montoro, RCZ Lofrano, JM Rosolen Carbon 43 (1), 200-203, 2005 | 53 | 2005 |
Electrocatalytic hydrogenation of carbonylic compounds using an electrode with platinum particles dispersed in films of poly-[allyl ether p-(2-aminoethyl) phenol] co … RCZ Lofrano, JM Madurro, LM Abrantes, JR Romero Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 218 (1), 73-79, 2004 | 44 | 2004 |
Preparation and properties of an electrode coated with a cerium poly (allyl ether p-benzenesulfonate) film for electroorganic reactions RCZ Lofrano, JM Madurro, JR Romero Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 153 (1-2), 237-242, 2000 | 26 | 2000 |
Extraction and optimization of tannin from the flower of Musa sp. applied to the treatment of iron ore dump WLM Braga, JA Roberto, C Vaz, GRL Samanamud, CCA Loures, ... Journal of environmental chemical engineering 6 (4), 4310-4317, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
Preparation and properties of an electrode with platinum microcrystals dispersed in films of poly (allyl ether p-benzeneammonium derivatives): Electrocatalytic hydrogenation of … RCZ Lofrano, JV Queiroz, JR Romero Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 174 (1-2), 231-238, 2001 | 19 | 2001 |
Uma revisão sobre biodiesel RCZ Lofrano Revista Científica do UNIFAE 2 (2), 2008 | 17 | 2008 |
Bioprospecção de microrganismos produtores de enzimas de interesse industrial realizada no Parque Estadual Serra do Ouro Branco, Brasil BDS Luz, JL Bicas, B Sarrouh, RCZ Lofrano Interbio 10, 13-14, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |
Bastões de grafite reciclados de baterias comuns e seu uso como eletrodo modificado em hidrogenação eletrocatalítica de alguns substratos orgânicos RCZ Lofrano, NA Padovan, JR Romero Química Nova 25, 1186-1190, 2002 | 10 | 2002 |
Extraction and identification of biomolecules from lignin alkaline hydrolysate from coffee husk B Sarrouh, ROA de Souza, RH da Silva Florindo, RCZ Lofrano, ... Waste and Biomass Valorization 12, 787-794, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Optimization of treating phenol from wastewater through the TiO2-catalyzed advanced oxidation process and response surface methodology C Oliveira Guimarães, A Boscaro França, GR Lamas Samanamud, ... Environmental monitoring and assessment 191, 1-14, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Lipase production by microorganisms isolated from the Serra de Ouro Branco State Park BD LUZ, B Sarrouh, JL Bicas, RCZ Lofrano Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 93, e20190672, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
EFEITO DE BIOFERTILIZANTE NO CRESCIMENTO DE ALFACE, RÚCULA, TOMATE, CEBOLINHA E REPOLHO. CF de Andrade, AO Lattini, RCZ Lofrano Revista Gestão & Sustentabilidade Ambiental 8 (3), 278-287, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Influence of obstruction at gas-injection nozzles (number and position) in RH degasser process LC Trindade, JJM Peixoto, CA Da Silva, EP Baston, FL Naves, JCB Neto, ... Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 50, 578-584, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Use of the extract of the flower of Musa sp., in the treatment from coagulation–Flocculation, of iron ore fines C Vaz, M Almeida, P Gonçalves, J Roberto, AB França, RCZ Lofrano, ... Journal of environmental chemical engineering 6 (1), 1155-1160, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Evaluation of the effectiveness of red mud-supported catalysts in combination with ozone and TiO2 in the treatment of solution containing benzene, toluene, and … BA de Lima, PPR de Castro, AB França, EP Baston, RCZ Lofrano, ... Environmental monitoring and assessment 190, 1-12, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Normal boundary intersection applied as multivariate and multiobjective optimization in the treatment of amoxicillin synthetic solution D Moura, V Barcelos, GRL Samanamud, AB França, R Lofrano, ... Environmental monitoring and assessment 190, 1-12, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Multivariate modeling and optimization of the reverse cationic flotation process of iron ore using depressant-modified starch MF Pinheiro, JIS da Silva, CN de Oliveira, EJ de Melo, AB França, ... Minerals Engineering 205, 108485, 2024 | 6 | 2024 |
Revisão sobre a toxicidade e impactos ambientais relacionados à vinhaça, efluente da indústria sucroalcooleira F de Aquino Lima, AC dos Santos Junior, LC Martins, B Sarrouh, ... Cadernos UniFOA 11 (32), 27-34, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
Evaluation of the biodegradation of phthalic contaminants originated from polyvinyl chloride commercial films MRF Luzia, B Sarrouh, RCZ Lofrano Acta Scientiarum. Technology 42, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |