Maria G. Villarreal-Marroquin
Maria G. Villarreal-Marroquin
Tecnológico de Monterrey
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Cited by
Performance study of ultrasonic assisted processing of CNT nanopaper/solventless epoxy composite
D Zhang, MG Villarreal, E Cabrera, A Benatar, LJ Lee, JM Castro
Composites Part B: Engineering 159, 327-335, 2019
Estudio de validación de un método para seleccionar técnicas de pronóstico de series de tiempo mediante redes neuronales artificiales
MC Acosta-Cervantes, MG Villarreal-Marroquín, M Cabrera-Ríos
Ingeniería, investigación y tecnología 14 (1), 53-63, 2013
A multicriteria simulation optimization method for injection molding
MG Villarreal-Marroquín, M Cabrera-Ríos, JM Castro
Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2390-2402, 2011
A comparison of two metamodel-based methodologies for multiple criteria simulation optimization using an injection molding case study
MG Villarreal-Marroquín, JD Svenson, F Sun, TJ Santner, A Dean, ...
Journal of Polymer Engineering 33 (3), 193-209, 2013
Optimisation via simulation: a metamodelling-based method and a case study
MG Villarreal-Marroquín, JM Castro, ÓL Chacón-Mondragón, ...
European Journal of Industrial Engineering 7 (3), 275-294, 2013
Multiobjective optimization of injection molding using a calibrated predictor based on physical and simulated data
MG Villarreal‐Marroquín, PH Chen, R Mulyana, TJ Santner, AM Dean, ...
Polymer Engineering & Science 57 (3), 248-257, 2017
Use of data envelopment analysis and clustering in multiple criteria optimization
MG Villarreal Marroquin, ML Sanchez Pena, CE Castro, JM Castro, ...
Intelligent Data Analysis 12 (1), 89-101, 2008
Simulation optimization applied to injection molding
MG Villarreal, R Mulyana, JM Castro, M Cabrera-Ríos
2008 Winter Simulation Conference, 1995-2003, 2008
Reducing deformation, stress, and tool wear during milling processes using simulation-based multiobjective optimization
J Montalvo-Urquizo, C Niebuhr, A Schmidt, MG Villarreal-Marroquín
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 96, 1859-1873, 2018
Selecting process parameter in injection molding via simulation optimization
MG Villarreal-Marroquin, R Mulyana, JM Castro, M Cabrera-Ríos
Walter de Gruyter 31 (5), 387-395, 2011
Agrupamiento de datos para la solución del problema de optimización multicriterio
MG Villarreal Marroquín, M Cabrera Ríos
Ciencia UANL 10 (2), 2007
Time series: Empirical characterization and artificial neural network-based selection of forecasting techniques
MG Villarreal Marroquín, MC Acosta Cervantes, JL Martinez Flores, ...
Intelligent Data Analysis 13 (6), 969-982, 2009
A study on material distribution and mechanical properties in co-injection molding
Y Srithep, B Miller, R Mulyana, MG Villarreal, JM Castro
Journal of polymer engineering 28 (8), 467-484, 2008
Simulation and multi-objective optimization to improve the final shape and process efficiency of a laser-based material accumulation process
E Bänsch, A Luttmann, J Montalvo-Urquizo, A Schmidt, ...
Journal of Mathematics in Industry 10 (1), 2, 2020
Minimum “safe cycle time”: Selecting the frozen layer thickness
KC Chang, Y Hioe, MG Villarreal, JM Castro
Polymer Engineering & Science 49 (12), 2320-2328, 2009
A Metamodel based Multiple Criteria Optimization via Simulation Method for Polymer Processing
MG Villarreal-Marroquin
The Ohio State University, 2012
Decreasing paint cost for sheet molding compound (SMC) compression molding
K Cai, MSK Bhuyan, D Zhang, MG Villarreal, EJ Straus, LJ Lee, JM Castro
Polymer Engineering & Science 61 (1), 211-220, 2021
Decreasing the cycle time for in‐mold coating (IMC) of sheet molding compound (SMC) compression molding
MSK Bhuyan, S Ko, MG Villarreal, EJ Straus, L James, JM Castro
Polymer Engineering & Science 59 (6), 1158-1166, 2019
Un método adaptativo basado en metamodelos para optimización aplicada a la simulación
MG Villarreal, M Cabrera-Ríos
Proceedings of the IEEE 5º International Conference in Innovation and …, 2007
A sequential surrogate-based multiobjective optimization method: effect of initial data set
MG Villarreal-Marroquin, JD Mosquera-Artamonov, CE Cruz, JM Castro
Wireless Networks 26 (8), 5727-5750, 2020
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Articles 1–20