Marco Jacopo Lombardi
Cited by
Cited by
The impact of monetary policy shocks on commodity prices
A Anzuini, MJ Lombardi, P Pagano
International Journal of Central Banking 9 (3), 119-144, 2013
A shadow policy rate to calibrate US monetary policy at the zero lower bound
MJ Lombardi, F Zhu
56th issue (December 2018) of the International Journal of Central Banking, 2023
Has the transmission of policy rates to lending rates changed in the wake of the global financial crisis?
L Gambacorta, A Illes, MJ Lombardi
International Finance 18 (3), 263-280, 2015
The real effects of household debt in the short and long run
MJ Lombardi, MS Mohanty, I Shim
BIS Working Paper, 2017
External shocks and international inflation linkages
A Galesi, MJ Lombardi
The GVAR Handbook: Structure and Applications of a Macro Model of the Global …, 2013
Global commodity cycles and linkages: a FAVAR approach
MJ Lombardi, C Osbat, B Schnatz
Empirical Economics 43, 651-670, 2012
Do financial investors destabilize the oil price?
MJ Lombardi, I Van Robays
Available at SSRN 2281796, 2011
On the correlation between commodity and equity returns: implications for portfolio allocation
M Lombardi, F Ravazzolo
The divergence of bank lending rates from policy rates after the financial crisis: The role of bank funding costs
A Illes, MJ Lombardi, P Mizen
Journal of International Money and Finance 93, 117-141, 2019
The role of financial variables in predicting economic activity
R Espinoza, F Fornari, MJ Lombardi
Journal of Forecasting 31 (1), 15-46, 2012
Global impact of US and euro area unconventional monetary policies: a comparison
Q Chen, MJ Lombardi, A Ross, F Zhu
BIS working paper, 2017
Interest rate pass-through since the financial crisis
A Illes, MJ Lombardi
BIS Quarterly Review, September, 2013
Oil and debt
D Domanski, J Kearns, MJ Lombardi, HS Shin
BIS Quarterly Review March, 2015
(Why) is investment weak?
R Banerjee, J Kearns, MJ Lombardi
BIS Quarterly Review March, 2015
Bayesian inference for α-stable distributions: A random walk MCMC approach
MJ Lombardi
Computational statistics & data analysis 51 (5), 2688-2700, 2007
On-line bayesian estimation of signals in symmetric/spl alpha/-stable noise
MJ Lombardi, SJ Godsill
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54 (2), 775-779, 2006
The two-regime view of inflation
CEV Borio, M Lombardi, J Yetman, E Zakrajšek
BIS, Bank for International Settlements, 2023
Indirect estimation of α-stable stochastic volatility models
MJ Lombardi, G Calzolari
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 53 (6), 2298-2308, 2009
Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
CEV Borio, MJ Lombardi, F Zampolli
BIS working paper, 2016
The dollar, bank leverage, and real economic activity: An evolving relationship
B Erik, MJ Lombardi, D Mihaljek, HS Shin
AEA Papers and Proceedings 110, 529-534, 2020
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Articles 1–20