Florian Kock
Cited by
Cited by
The coronavirus pandemic–A critical discussion of a tourism research agenda
S Zenker, F Kock
Tourism Management 81, 104164, 2020
Understanding and managing the threat of common method bias: Detection, prevention and control
F Kock, A Berbekova, AG Assaf
Tourism Management 86, 104330, 2021
Understanding the COVID-19 tourist psyche: The evolutionary tourism paradigm
F Kock, A Nørfelt, A Josiassen, AG Assaf, MG Tsionas
Annals of Tourism Research 85, 103053, 2020
Advancing destination image: The destination content model
F Kock, A Josiassen, AG Assaf
Annals of Tourism Research 61, 28-44, 2016
The imagery–image duality model: an integrative review and advocating for improved delimitation of concepts
A Josiassen, AG Assaf, L Woo, F Kock
Journal of Travel Research 55 (6), 789-803, 2016
Tourism Ethnocentrism and Its Effects on Tourist and Resident Behavior
F Kock, A Josiassen, AG Assaf, I Karpen, F Farrelly
Journal of Travel Research 58 (3), 427-439, 2019
Tourism during and after COVID-19: An expert-informed agenda for future research
AG Assaf, F Kock, M Tsionas
Journal of Travel Research 61 (2), 454-457, 2022
The xenophobic tourist
F Kock, A Josiassen, AG Assaf
Annals of Tourism Research 74, 155-166, 2019
Affective forecasting and travel decision-making: An investigation in times of a pandemic
M Karl, F Kock, BW Ritchie, J Gauss
Annals of Tourism Research 87, 103139, 2021
On the origin of tourist behavior
F Kock, A Josiassen, AG Assaf
Annals of Tourism Research 73, 180-183, 2018
Scale development in tourism research: Advocating for a new paradigm
F Kock, A Josiassen, AG Assaf
Journal of Travel Research 58 (7), 1227-1229, 2019
Cultural heritage authenticity: A producer view
F Farrelly, F Kock, A Josiassen
Annals of Tourism Research 79, 102770, 2019
Toward a universal account of country-induced predispositions: integrative framework and measurement of country-of-origin images and country emotions
F Kock, A Josiassen, AG Assaf
Journal of International Marketing 27 (3), 43-59, 2019
Narcissistic CEOs and corporate social responsibility: Does the role of an outside board of directors matter?
JS Ahn, AG Assaf, A Josiassen, MA Baker, S Lee, F Kock, MG Tsionas
International Journal of Hospitality Management 85, 102350, 2020
Tourism Affinity and Its Effects on Tourist and Resident Behavior
A Josiassen, F Kock, A Nørfelt
Journal of Travel Research 61 (2), 299-313, 2022
What makes a city cool? Understanding destination coolness and its implications for tourism
F Kock
Tourism Management 86, 104317, 2021
Developing courageous research ideas
F Kock, AG Assaf, MG Tsionas
Journal of Travel Research 59 (6), 1140-1146, 2020
Embodied cognition effects on tourist behavior
F Kock, T Ringberg
Annals of Tourism Research 78 (C), 1-1, 2019
Scale purification: State-of-the-art review and guidelines
A Wieland, F Kock, A Josiassen
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 30 (11), 3346-3362, 2018
Tourism xenophilia: Examining attraction to foreignness
AW Nørfelt, F Kock, A Josiassen
Journal of Travel Research 59 (8), 1386-1401, 2020
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Articles 1–20