No-wait scheduling of a two-machine flow-shop to minimise the makespan under non-availability constraints and different release dates F Ben Chihaoui, I Kacem, AB Hadj-Alouane, N Dridi, N Rezg International Journal of Production Research 49 (21), 6273-6286, 2011 | 41 | 2011 |
A Decision Support System for Drug Inventory Management within an Emergency Department: A Case Study FB Chihaoui, N Maddeh, SB Layeb, C Hamouda, J Chaouachi 2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
Two-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling with availability constraints and release dates FB Chihaoui, N Dridi, AB Hadj-Alouane 2009 International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, 170-175, 2009 | 3 | 2009 |
Minimizing Lmax and Cmax in a job shop problem with sequence-dependent setup times FB Chihaoui, N Dridi, AB Hadj-Alouane IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (3), 75-80, 2006 | 1 | 2006 |
Résolution d’un problème de flowshop sans attente avec contraintes de disponibilité FBEN CHIHAOUI, N DRIDI, AB HADJ-ALOUANE | | |
New Space Recognition Method for the Single Container Loading LAFF-based Heuristic: A Case Study of a Tunisian Company Y Hajlaoui, FB Chihaoui, SB Layeb | | |