Bijoy Vengasseril Thampi
Bijoy Vengasseril Thampi
Research Scientist, AMA Inc
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Empirical model for mean temperature for Indian zone and estimation of precipitable water vapor from ground based GPS measurements
C Suresh Raju, K Saha, BV Thampi, K Parameswaran
Annales Geophysicae 25 (9), 1935-1948, 2007
Multi-year observations of the spatial and vertical distribution of aerosols and the genesis of abnormal variations in aerosol loading over the Arabian Sea during Asian summer …
SS Prijith, K Rajeev, BV Thampi, SK Nair, M Mohan
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 105, 142-151, 2013
Altitude distribution of aerosols over Southeast Arabian Sea coast during pre-monsoon season: Elevated layers, long-range transport and atmospheric radiative heating
K Rajeev, K Parameswaran, BV Thampi, MK Mishra, AKM Nair, S Meenu
Atmospheric Environment 44 (21-22), 2597-2604, 2010
Micro pulse lidar observations of mineral dust layer in the lower troposphere over the southwest coast of Peninsular India during the Asian summer monsoon season
MK Mishra, K Rajeev, BV Thampi, K Parameswaran, AKM Nair
Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 72 (17), 1251-1259, 2010
Observational assessment of the potential of satellite‐based water vapor and thermal IR brightness temperatures in detecting semitransparent cirrus
K Rajeev, K Parameswaran, S Meenu, SV Sunilkumar, BV Thampi, ...
Geophysical research letters 35 (8), 2008
Spatial distribution of the Southeast Asian smoke plume over the Indian Ocean and its radiative heating in the atmosphere during the major fire event of 2006
BV Thampi, K Rajeev, K Parameswaran, MK Mishra
Geophysical research letters 36 (16), 2009
Determination of CERES TOA fluxes using machine learning algorithms. Part I: Classification and retrieval of CERES cloudy and clear scenes
BV Thampi, T Wong, C Lukashin, NG Loeb
Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology 34 (10), 2329-2345, 2017
Interdependence of tropical cirrus properties and their variability
SV Sunilkumar, K Parameswaran, BV Thampi
Annales Geophysicae 26 (3), 413-429, 2008
Investigation of negative cloud radiative forcing over the Indian subcontinent and adjacent oceans during the summer monsoon season
BV Thampi, R Roca
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (13), 6739-6758, 2014
Multiyear lidar observations of the descending nature of tropical cirrus clouds
AKM Nair, K Rajeev, MK Mishra, BV Thampi, K Parameswaran
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D18), 2012
Annual variations of the altitude distribution of aerosols and effect of long-range transport over the southwest Indian Peninsula
MK Mishra, K Rajeev, BV Thampi, AKM Nair
Atmospheric Environment 81, 51-59, 2013
Lidar studies of particulates in the UTLS region at a tropical station over the Indian subcontinent
BV Thampi, SV Sunilkumar, K Parameswaran
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D8), 2009
Measurement of integrated water vapor over Bangalore using ground based GPS data
S Raju, K Saha, VT Bijoy, K Parameswaran
Proceedings of URSI General Assembly, New Delhi, India 2329, 2005
Latitudinal dependence of the seasonal variation of particulate extinction in the UTLS over the Indian longitude sector during volcanically quiescent period based on lidar and …
K Parameswaran, BV Thampi, SV Sunilkumar
Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 72 (13), 1024-1035, 2010
Semitransparent cirrus clouds in the upper troposphere and their contribution to the particulate scattering in the tropical UTLS region
BV Thampi, K Parameswaran, SV Sunilkumar
Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 74, 1-10, 2012
Variability in background stratospheric aerosols over the tropics and its association with atmospheric dynamics
SV Sunilkumar, K Parameswaran, BV Thampi, G Ramkumar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D13), 2011
Properties of cirrus clouds in the tropical tropopause layer
K Parameswaran, SV Sunilkumar, BV Thampi, K Rajeev, CS Raju, ...
CAWSES-India Scientific Results (Phase-1), Monogram, Indian Space Research …, 2009
Distribution of Particulates in the Tropical UTLS over the Asian Summer Monsoon Region and Its Association with Atmospheric Dynamics
SV Sunilkumar, K Parameswaran, BV Thampi
Atmospheric Aerosols-Regional Characteristics-Chemistry and Physics, 2012
Estimation of CERES TOA Fluxes using Artificial Neural Network Algorithms
BV Thampi, T Wong, C Lukashin, N Loeb
15th Conference on Cloud Physics/Atmospheric Radiation, 2018
Determination of CERES TOA Fluxes Using Machine-Learning Algorithms
BV Thampi, T Wong, C Lukashin
27th CERES-II Science Team Meeting, 2017
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Artículos 1–20