Violeta Aburto Luna
Violeta Aburto Luna
Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Benémerita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
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Cited by
Changes on serum and hepatic lipidome after a chronic cadmium exposure in Wistar rats
VE Sarmiento-Ortega, S Treviño, JÁ Flores-Hernández, P Aguilar-Alonso, ...
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 635, 52-59, 2017
The NOAEL Metformin dose is ineffective against metabolic disruption induced by chronic cadmium exposure in Wistar rats
VE Sarmiento-Ortega, E Brambila, JÁ Flores-Hernández, A Díaz, ...
Toxics 6 (3), 55, 2018
Hepatic mobilization of zinc after an experimental surgery, and its relationship with inflammatory cytokines release, and expression of metallothionein and Zip14 transporter
V Aburto-Luna, S Treviño, G Santos-López, D Moroni-González, ...
Inflammation Research 66, 167-175, 2017
(R)-3, 4, 5-Trideoxy-5, 6-didehydro-1, 2-O-(2, 2, 2-trichloroethylidene)-α-d-glucofuranose-6, 3-carbolactone: a new derivative of α-chloralose
V Aburto-Luna, RL Meza-Leon, S Bernès
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 64 (9), o1784-o1784, 2008
Kidney adaptations prevent loss of trace elements in Wistar rats with early metabolic syndrome
CN Sánchez-Solís, H Hernández-Fragoso, V Aburto-Luna, CB Olivier, ...
Biological Trace Element Research 199 (5), 1941-1953, 2021
Zip-14 Expression After Abdominal Surgery in Rats is Mainly Regulated by the Il-6 Signaling Pathway
V Aburto-Luna, G Santos-López, S Treviño, BAL Chávez, E Brambila
Estudio de las vías de señalización en la expresión del transportador ZIP14 y el papel de ZNT1 en el control de la concentracióm hepática de zinc en ratas con una cirugía abdominal
V Aburto Luna, V ABURTO LUNA
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2016
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Articles 1–7