Fuhua Zhai
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CSRP’s impact on low‐income preschoolers’ preacademic skills: self‐regulation as a mediating mechanism
CC Raver, SM Jones, C Li‐Grining, F Zhai, K Bub, E Pressler
Child development 82 (1), 362-378, 2011
Targeting children's behavior problems in preschool classrooms: a cluster-randomized controlled trial.
CC Raver, SM Jones, C Li-Grining, F Zhai, MW Metzger, B Solomon
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 77 (2), 302, 2009
Investigating the effects of caseworker characteristics in child welfare
JP Ryan, P Garnier, M Zyphur, F Zhai
Children and Youth Services Review 28 (9), 993-1006, 2006
Child maltreatment among Asian Americans: Characteristics and explanatory framework
F Zhai, Q Gao
Child maltreatment 14 (2), 207-224, 2009
Head start participation and school readiness: Evidence from the early childhood longitudinal study–birth cohort.
RH Lee, F Zhai, J Brooks-Gunn, WJ Han, J Waldfogel
Developmental psychology 50 (1), 202, 2014
Head Start and urban children's school readiness: a birth cohort study in 18 cities.
F Zhai, J Brooks-Gunn, J Waldfogel
Developmental psychology 47 (1), 134, 2011
Classroom-based interventions and teachers’ perceived job stressors and confidence: Evidence from a randomized trial in Head Start settings
F Zhai, CC Raver, C Li-Grining
Early childhood research quarterly 26 (4), 442-452, 2011
African American males in foster care and the risk of delinquency
JP Ryan, MF Testa, F Zhai
Child Welfare 87 (1), 115-140, 2008
Academic performance of subsequent schools and impacts of early interventions: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in Head Start settings
F Zhai, CC Raver, SM Jones
Children and Youth Services Review 34 (5), 946-954, 2012
Anti‐poverty effectiveness of the minimum living standard assistance policy in urban China
Q Gao, I Garfinkel, F Zhai
Review of Income and Wealth 55, 630-655, 2009
Challenges with propensity score strategies in a high-dimensional setting and a potential alternative
J Hill, C Weiss, F Zhai
Multivariate Behavioral Research 46 (3), 477-513, 2011
Head Start’s impact is contingent on alternative type of care in comparison group.
F Zhai, J Brooks-Gunn, J Waldfogel
Developmental psychology 50 (12), 2572, 2014
Social and emotional learning services and child outcomes in third grade: Evidence from a cohort of Head Start participants
F Zhai, CC Raver, SM Jones
Children and youth services review 56, 42-51, 2015
Estimating the effects of Head Start on parenting and child maltreatment
F Zhai, J Waldfogel, J Brooks-Gunn
Children and youth services review 35 (7), 1119-1129, 2013
Does welfare enable family expenditures on human capital? Evidence from China
Q Gao, F Zhai, S Yang, S Li
World Development 64, 219-231, 2014
How does public assistance affect family expenditures? The case of urban China
Q Gao, F Zhai, I Garfinkel
World Development 38 (7), 989-1000, 2010
Dosage effects on school readiness: Evidence from a randomized classroom-based intervention
F Zhai, CC Raver, SM Jones, CP Li-Grining, E Pressler, Q Gao
Social Service Review 84 (4), 615-655, 2010
Social policy and income inequality during the Hu–Wen era: A progressive legacy?
Q Gao, S Yang, F Zhai
The China Quarterly 237, 82-107, 2019
Anti‐Poverty Family Policies in C hina: A Critical Evaluation
Q Gao, F Zhai
Asian Social Work and Policy Review 6 (2), 122-135, 2012
Head Start, prekindergarten, and academic school readiness: A comparison among regions in the United States
F Zhai, J Waldfogel, J Brooks-Gunn
Journal of Social Service Research 39 (3), 345-364, 2013
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