Dr. Priyam A. Parikh
Dr. Priyam A. Parikh
Other namesPriyam Anilkumar Parikh, Priyam Parikh, P Parikh
Assistant Professor, Institute of Design, Nirma University
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Cited by
Implementing fuzzy logic controller and PID controller to a DC encoder motor–“A case of an automated guided vehicle”
P Parikh, S Sheth, R Vasani, JK Gohil
Procedia Manufacturing 20, 219-226, 2018
Trajectory planning for the five degree of freedom feeding robot using septic and nonic functions
PA Parikh, R Trivedi, J Dave
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 9 (7 …, 2020
A review: Modelling of Brushed DC motor and Various type of control methods
S Maheriya, P Parikh
Journal for Research 1, 2016
Color Guided Vehicle–An Intelligent Material Handling Mechatronic System
PA Parikh, KD Joshi, S Sheth
Proceedings of the 1st International and 16th National Conference on …, 2013
A Mechatronics design of a line tracker robot using Ziegler Nichols control technique for P, PI and PID controllers
P Parikh, H Shah, S Sheth
International Mechanical Engineering Congress (IMEC-2014), 13-15, 2014
Development of a multi-channel wireless data acquisition System for swarm robots-A Mechatronic Approach using Arduino UNO and MATLAB
P Parikh, H Shah, S Sheth
International Journal of Engineering Development and Research (IJEDR), ISSN …, 2014
Velocity Analysis of a DC Brushed Encoder Motor using Ziegler-Nichols Algorithm: A Case of an Automated Guided Vehicle
SS Priyam Parikh, Rupesh Vasani
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (38), 1-8, 2016
Performance evaluation of an indigenously-designed high performance dynamic feeding robotic structure using advanced additive manufacturing technology, machine learning and …
P Parikh, A Sharma, R Trivedi, D Roy, K Joshi
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 1-29, 2023
Positional analysis of a dc brushed encoder motor using ziegler-nichols algorithm
PA Parikh, S Sheth, T Patel
CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future: Proceedings of the 28th …, 2016
Design and development of a low-cost vision-based 6 dof assistive feeding robot for the aged and specially-abled people
P Parikh, R Trivedi, J Dave, K Joshi, D Adhyaru
IETE Journal of Research 70 (2), 1716-1744, 2024
Trajectory planning of a 5 DOF feeding serial manipulator using 6th order polynomial method
PA Parikh, RR Trivedi, KD Joshi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1921 (1), 012088, 2021
Actuation of electro-pneumatic system using MATLAB simulink and arduino controller-A case of a mechatronics systems lab
P Parikh, R Vasani, S Sheth, J Gohil
International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing 2016 (ICCASP …, 2016
Vision-based trajectory planning for a five degree of freedom assistive feeding robotic arm using linear segments with parabolic blend and cycloid functions
PA Parikh, KD Joshi, R Trivedi
Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice 4, 193-206, 2021
Smart dustbin—an intelligent approach to fulfill Swatchh Bharat Mission
PA Parikh, R Vasani, A Raval
Int. J. Eng. Res. Electron. Commun. Eng 4 (10), 2017
Control of industrial pneumatic and hydraulic systems using serial communication technology and matlab
PA Parikh, N Modi, R Prajapati
IJSRD-Int J Sci Res Dev 3 (10), 2321-0613, 2015
Optimising inverse kinematics algorithm for an indigenous vision-based feeding serial robot using particle swarm optimisation and hybrid genetic algorithm: a comparison
PA Parikh, R Trivedi, KD Joshi
International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems 10 (2), 88-101, 2023
Continuous trajectory planning of a 6 DoF feeding robotic arm using a novel multi-point LSPB algorithm
P Parikh, R Trivedi, K Joshi
2022 28th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in …, 2022
Design and Development of Universal Motor Control Unit using MATLAB and Arduino
PA Parikh
Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging Trends, Challenges and …, 2017
Design and Development of a Programmable Logic Controller Using Atmel Controller and MATLAB Simulink
P Parikh, H Singh, SK Nadar
3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research & Practice 4, 2016
Development of a remotely operated 3D printed robotic hand using electromyography
JA Gohil, RR Trivedi, PA Parikh
AIP Conference Proceedings 2946 (1), 2023
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Articles 1–20