Richard D.M. Nash
Richard D.M. Nash
Cefas, Lowestoft, UK
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The origin of Fulton’s condition factor—setting the record straight
RDM Nash, AH Valencia, AJ Geffen
Fisheries 31 (5), 236-238, 2006
Length–weight relationships for 21 coastal fish species of the Azores, north-eastern Atlantic
T Morato, P Afonso, P Lourinho, JP Barreiros, RS Santos, RDM Nash
Fisheries Research 50 (3), 297-302, 2001
Synergies between climate and management for Atlantic cod fisheries at high latitudes
OS Kjesbu, B Bogstad, JA Devine, H Gjøsæter, D Howell, RB Ingvaldsen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (9), 3478-3483, 2014
Lessons learned from stock collapse and recovery of North Sea herring: a review
M Dickey-Collas, RDM Nash, T Brunel, CJG Van Damme, CT Marshall, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 67 (9), 1875-1886, 2010
Impacts of climate change on the complex life cycles of fish
P Petitgas, AD Rijnsdorp, M Dickey‐Collas, GH Engelhard, MA Peck, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 22 (2), 121-139, 2013
Lessons learned from practical approaches to reconcile mismatches between biological population structure and stock units of marine fish
LA Kerr, NT Hintzen, SX Cadrin, LW Clausen, M Dickey-Collas, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (6), 1708-1722, 2017
Flatfishes: biology and exploitation
RN Gibson, RDM Nash, AJ Geffen, HW Van der Veer
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Feeding ecology of the common shrimp crangon crangon in Port Erin Bay, Isle of Man, Irish Sea
CW Oh, RG Hartnoll, RDM Nash
Marine Ecology Progress Series 214, 211-223, 2001
Recruitment in a changing environment: the 2000s North Sea herring recruitment failure
MR Payne, EMC Hatfield, M Dickey-Collas, T Falkenhaug, A Gallego, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 66 (2), 272-277, 2009
Modelling and forecasting stock–recruitment: current and future perspectives
S Subbey, JA Devine, U Schaarschmidt, RDM Nash
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (8), 2307-2322, 2014
The cost of metamorphosis in flatfishes
AJ Geffen, HW Van der Veer, RDM Nash
Journal of Sea Research 58 (1), 35-45, 2007
The influence of life history dynamics and environment on the determination of year class strength in North Sea herring (Clupea harengus L.)
RDM Nash, M Dickey‐Collas
Fisheries Oceanography 14 (4), 279-291, 2005
Population dynamics of the common shrimp, Crangon crangon (L.), in Port Erin Bay, Isle of Man, Irish Sea
CW Oh, RG Hartnoll, RDM Nash
ICES journal of marine science 56 (5), 718-733, 1999
Temperature‐dependent development rates of cod Gadus morhua eggs
AJ Geffen, CJ Fox, RDM Nash
Journal of Fish Biology 69 (4), 1060-1080, 2006
An application of the annual egg production method to estimate the spawning biomass of cod (Gadus morhua L.), plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) and sole (Solea solea L.) in the …
MJ Armstrong, P Connolly, RDM Nash, MG Pawson, E Alesworth, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 58 (1), 183-203, 2001
Reproductive biology and recruitment of the white sea bream in the Azores
T Morato, P Afonso, P Lourinho, RDM Nash, RS Santos
Journal of Fish Biology 63 (1), 59-72, 2003
Frequent skipped spawning in the world’s largest cod population
JE Skjæraasen, RDM Nash, K Korsbrekke, M Fonn, T Nilsen, J Kennedy, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (23), 8995-8999, 2012
Observations on the burrows and burrowing behaviour of Calocaris macandreae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinoidea)
RDM Nash, CJ Chapman, RJA Atkinson, PJ Morgan
Journal of Zoology 202 (3), 425-439, 1984
Lumpers or splitters? Evaluating recovery and management plans for metapopulations of herring
LT Kell, M Dickey-Collas, NT Hintzen, RDM Nash, GM Pilling, BA Roel
ICES Journal of Marine Science 66 (8), 1776-1783, 2009
Patterns in the spawning of cod (Gadus morhua L.), sole (Solea solea L.) and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the Irish Sea as determined by generalized …
Fisheries Oceanography 9 (1), 33-49, 2000
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Articles 1–20