Maria del Carmen Mandujano
Maria del Carmen Mandujano
Other namesMaria C. Mandujano, María del Carmen Mandujano Sánchez, María C. Mandujano
Professor of Ecology, Instituto de Ecologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
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Cited by
Integration of demographic annual variability in a clonal desert cactus
MC Mandujano, C Montaña, M Franco, J Golubov, A Flores-Martínez
Ecology 82 (2), 344-359, 2001
The relative contributions of sexual reproduction and clonal propagation in Opuntia rastrera from two habitats in the Chihuahuan Desert
M Del Carmen Mandujano, C Montanā, I Méndez, J Golubov
Journal of Ecology 86 (6), 911-921, 1998
Reproductive ecology and inbreeding depression in Opuntia rastrera (Cactaceae) in the Chihuahuan Desert: Why are sexually derived recruitments so rare?
MC Mandujano, C Montaña, LE Eguiarte
American Journal of Botany 83 (1), 63-70, 1996
Reproductive biology of Cactaceae
MC Mandujano, I Carrillo-Angeles, C Martínez-Peralta, J Golubov
Desert plants: Biology and biotechnology, 197-230, 2010
Are populations of the candy barrel cactus (Echinocactus platyacanthus) in the desert of Tehuacán, Mexico at risk? Population projection matrix and life table response analysis
C Jimenez-Sierra, MC Mandujano, LE Eguiarte
Biological Conservation 135 (2), 278-292, 2007
Montan a, C., 1997. Dormancy and endozoochorous dispersal of Opuntia rastrera seeds in the southern Chihuahuan Desert
MC Mandujano, J Golubov
Journal of Arid Environments 36, 259-266, 0
Comparative demographic analysis of three Neobuxbaumia species (Cactaceae) with differing degree of rarity
L Esparza-Olguin, T Valverde, MC Mandujano
Population ecology 47 (3), 229-245, 2005
The Paradox of Mesquites (Prosopis SPP): Invading Especies or Biodiversity Enhancers?
J Golubov, MC Mandujano, LE Eguiarte
Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México, 23-30, 2001
Breaking seed dormancy in Opuntia rastrera from the Chihuahuan desert
MC Mandujano, C Montaña, M Rojas-Aréchiga
Journal of arid environments 62 (1), 15-21, 2005
Seed size and photoblastism in species belonging to tribe Cacteae (Cactaceae)
M Rojas-Aréchiga, MC Mandujano, JK Golubov
Journal of Plant Research 126, 373-386, 2013
Effect of reproductive modes and environmental heterogeneity in the population dynamics of a geographically widespread clonal desert cactus
MC Mandujano, J Golubov, LF Huenneke
Population Ecology 49 (2), 141-153, 2007
Historia de las epidemias en el México antiguo. Algunos aspectos biológicos y sociales
A Mandujano, L Camarillo, M Mandujano
Casa del Tiempo 5, 9-21, 2003
Spatial distribution of three globose cacti in relation to different nurse-plant canopies and bare areas
MC Mandujano, A Flores-Martínez, J Golubov, E Ezcurra
The Southwestern Naturalist, 162-168, 2002
How important is clonal recruitment for population maintenance in rare plant species?: The case of the narrow endemic cactus, Stenocereus eruca, in Baja California, México
R Clark-Tapia, MC Mandujano, T Valverde, A Mendoza, F Molina-Freaner
Biological conservation 124 (1), 123-132, 2005
Las especies mexicanas de cactáceas en riesgo de extinción. I
S Arias, U Guzmán, MC Mandujano, M Soto, J Golubov
Una comparación entre los listados NOM-059-ECOL-2001 (México), La Lista Roja …, 2005
St Montana, C. 1999 Why be a honeyless honey mesquite? Reproduction and mating system of nectarful and nectarless individuals
J Golubov, LE Eguiarte, MC Mandujano, J Lopez-Portillo
Am. J. Bot 86, 955-963, 0
Efecto del ácido giberélico en la germinación de tres especies del género Opuntia (Cactaceae) del Desierto Chihuahuense
MC Mandujano, J Golubov, M Rojas-Aréchiga
Cactáceas y Suculentas Mexicanas 52, 46-52, 2007
Niche breadth and the implications of climate change in the conservation of the genus Astrophytum (Cactaceae)
IG Carrillo-Angeles, H Suzán-Azpiri, MC Mandujano, J Golubov, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 124, 310-317, 2016
Serotiny and seed germination in three threatened species of Mammillaria (Cactaceae)
C Rodríguez-Ortega, M Franco, MC Mandujano
Basic and Applied Ecology 7 (6), 533-544, 2006
Demography of the invasive woody perennial Prosopis glandulosa (honey mesquite)
J Golubov, MDC Mandujano, M Franco, C Montaña, LE Eguiarte, ...
Journal of Ecology 87 (6), 955-962, 1999
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Articles 1–20