Nathan Fiala
Cited by
Cited by
Generating skilled self-employment in developing countries: Experimental evidence from Uganda
C Blattman, N Fiala, S Martinez
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 129 (2), 697-752, 2014
Measuring sustainability: Why the ecological footprint is bad economics and bad environmental science
N Fiala
Ecological economics 67 (4), 519-525, 2008
Meeting the demand: an estimation of potential future greenhouse gas emissions from meat production
N Fiala
Ecological economics 67 (3), 412-419, 2008
The long-term impacts of grants on poverty: Nine-year evidence from Uganda’s youth opportunities program
C Blattman, N Fiala, S Martinez
American Economic Review: Insights 2 (3), 287-304, 2020
Returns to microcredit, cash grants and training for male and female microentrepreneurs in Uganda
N Fiala
World Development 105, 189-200, 2018
Economic consequences of forced displacement
N Fiala
The Journal of Development Studies 51 (10), 1275-1293, 2015
Trusting former rebels: An experimental approach to understanding reintegration after civil war
M Bauer, N Fiala, I Levely
The Economic Journal 128 (613), 1786-1819, 2018
What do we know about the impact of microfinance? The problems of statistical power and precision
M Dahal, N Fiala
World Development 128, 104773, 2020
Do anti-poverty programs sway voters? Experimental evidence from Uganda
C Blattman, M Emeriau, N Fiala
Review of Economics and Statistics 100 (5), 891-905, 2018
Stimulating microenterprise growth: Results from a loans, grants and training experiment in Uganda
N Fiala
Grants and Training Experiment in Uganda (December 4, 2013), 2013
How meat contributes to global warming
N Fiala
Scientific american 4, 2009
Unitary or noncooperative intrahousehold model? Evidence from couples in Uganda
N Fiala, X He
The World Bank Economic Review 30 (Supplement_1), S77-S85, 2017
Be wary of those who ask: a randomized experiment on the size and determinants of the enumerator effect
M Di Maio, N Fiala
The World Bank Economic Review 34 (3), 654-669, 2020
Financial education and savings behavior: Evidence from a randomized experiment among low-income clients of branchless banking in India
M Calderone, N Fiala, F Mulaj, S Sadhu, L Sarr
Economic Development and Cultural Change 66 (4), 793-825, 2018
Employment generation in rural Africa: mid-term results from an experimental evaluation of the Youth Opportunities Program in Northern Uganda
C Blattman, N Fiala, S Martinez
DIW Berlin Discussion Paper, 2012
The economic and social returns to cash transfers: evidence from a Ugandan aid program
C Blattman, N Fiala, S Martinez
Columbia University, Departments of Political Science and International …, 2013
The greenhouse hamburger
N Fiala
Scientific American 300 (2), 72-75, 2009
Business is tough, but family is worse: Household bargaining and investment in microenterprises in Uganda
N Fiala
University of Connecticut Department of Economics Working Paper Series 5, 2017
Measuring success of youth livelihood interventions: a practical guide to monitoring and evaluation
K Hempel, N Fiala
World Bank, Washington, DC, 2011
Wheels of change: Transforming girls' lives with bicycles
N Fiala, A Garcia-Hernandez, K Narula, N Prakash
IZA Discussion Paper, 2022
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Articles 1–20