Woojin Lee
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Cited by
The effect of Facebook users’ arousal and valence on intention to go to the festival: Applying an extension of the technology acceptance model
W Lee, L Xiong, C Hu
International Journal of Hospitality Management 31 (3), 819-827, 2012
Designing persuasive destination websites: A mental imagery processing perspective
W Lee, U Gretzel
Tourism management 33 (5), 1270-1280, 2012
Differences in consumer-generated media adoption and use: A cross-national perspective
U Gretzel, M Kang, W Lee
Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing 17 (1-2), 99-120, 2008
The role of social media in promoting special events: acceptance of Facebook ‘events’
CM Paris, W Lee, P Seery
Information and communication technologies in tourism 2010, 531-541, 2010
The effects of festival attendees’ experiential values and satisfaction on re-visit intention to the destination: The case of a food and wine festival
W Lee, HK Sung, E Suh, J Zhao
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 29 (3), 1005-1027, 2017
Quasi-trial experiences through sensory information on destination web sites
W Lee, U Gretzel, R Law
Journal of Travel Research 49 (3), 310-322, 2010
Generative artificial intelligence in the hospitality and tourism industry: Developing a framework for future research
T Dogru, N Line, M Mody, L Hanks, JA Abbott, F Acikgoz, A Assaf, S Bakir, ...
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 49 (2), 235-253, 2025
The effect of technology readiness on customers' attitudes toward self-service technology and its adoption; the empirical study of US airline self-service check-in kiosks
W Lee, C Castellanos, HS Chris Choi
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 29 (8), 731-743, 2012
Heritage hotels and historic lodging: Perspectives on experiential marketing and sustainable culture
W Lee, D Chhabra
Journal of Heritage Tourism 10 (2), 103-110, 2015
Exploring the behavioral aspects of adopting technology: Meeting planners' use of social network media and the impact of perceived critical mass
W Lee, T Tyrrell, M Erdem
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 4 (1), 6-22, 2013
An empirical investigation of the relationship between role stressors, emotional exhaustion and turnover intention in the airline industry
JE Cho, HSC Choi, WJ Lee
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 19 (9), 1023-1043, 2014
Marketing of ethnic food experiences: Authentication analysis of Indian cuisine abroad
D Chhabra, W Lee, S Zhao, K Scott
Journal of Heritage Tourism 8 (2-3), 145-157, 2013
Use of Facebook in the US heritage accommodations sector: An exploratory study
KH Yoo, W Lee
Journal of Heritage Tourism 10 (2), 191-201, 2015
Millennial ride-share passengers’ pro-sustainable behaviors: Norm activation perspective
S Lee, WJ Lee, KH Yoo
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 25 (1), 15-26, 2020
Examining medical tourists' intention to visit a tourist destination: Application of an extended MEDTOUR scale in a cosmetic tourism context
LJ Liang, HC Choi, M Joppe, W Lee
International Journal of Tourism Research 21 (6), 772-784, 2019
Do hedonic and utilitarian values increase pro-environmental behavior and support for festivals?
YK Lee, CK Lee, W Lee, MS Ahmad
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 26 (8), 921-934, 2021
The effect of basic, performance and excitement service factors of a convention center on attendees' experiential value and satisfaction: A case study of the phoenix convention …
H Sung, W Lee
Journal of Convention & Event Tourism 16 (3), 175-199, 2015
Knowledge sharing and social technology acceptance model: Promoting local events and festivals through Facebook
W Lee, CM Paris
Tourism Analysis 18 (4), 457-469, 2013
Understanding meeting planners' internet use behavior: An extension to the theory of planned behavior
WJ Lee, HSC Choi
International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration 10 (2), 109-128, 2009
Green attendees' evaluation of green attributes at the convention centre: using importance–performance analysis
W Lee, T Barber, T Tyrrell
Anatolia 24 (2), 221-240, 2013
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Articles 1–20