Christopher Blattman
Christopher Blattman
Ramalee E. Pearson Professor, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago
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Civil war
C Blattman, E Miguel
Journal of Economic Literature 48 (1), 3-57, 2010
From Violence to Voting: War and political participation in Uganda
C Blattman
American Political Science Review 103 (2), 231-247, 2009
Can war foster cooperation?
M Bauer, C Blattman, J Chytilová, J Henrich, E Miguel, T Mitts
Journal of Economic Perspectives 30 (3), 249-274, 2016
Generating skilled self-employment in developing countries: Experimental evidence from Uganda
C Blattman, N Fiala, S Martinez
Quarterly Journal of Economics 29 (2), 2014
The Consequences of Child Soldiering
C Blattman, J Annan
The Review of Economics and Statistics 92 (4), 882-898, 2010
Winners and losers in the commodity lottery: The impact of terms of trade growth and volatility in the Periphery 1870-1939
C Blattman, J Hwang, JG Williamson
Journal of Development Economics 82 (1), 156-179, 2007
Economic shocks and conflict: Evidence from commodity prices
S Bazzi, C Blattman
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 6 (4), 1-38, 2014
Reducing crime and violence: Experimental evidence from cognitive behavioral therapy in Liberia
C Blattman, JC Jamison, M Sheridan
American Economic Review 107 (4), 1165-1206, 2017
Civil War, Reintegration, and Gender in northern Uganda
J Annan, C Blattman, D Mazurana, K Carlson
Journal of Conflict Resolution 55 (6), 877-908, 2011
The Logic of Child Soldiering and Coercion
B Beber, C Blattman
International Organization 67 (1), 65-104, 2013
The returns to cash and microenterprise support among the ultra-poor: A field experiment in postwar Uganda
C Blattman, E Green, J Jamison, C Lehmann, J Annan
American economic journal: Applied economics 8 (2), 35-64, 2016
Generating employment in poor and fragile states: Evidence from labor market and entrepreneurship programs
C Blattman, L Ralston
Available at SSRN 2622220, 2015
The state of youth and youth protection in Northern Uganda
J Annan, C Blattman, R Horton
Uganda: UNICEF 23, 2006
The impacts of industrial and entrepreneurial work on income and health: Experimental evidence from Ethiopia
C Blattman, S Dercon
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 10 (3), 1-38, 2018
Can employment reduce lawlessness and rebellion? A field experiment with high-risk men in a fragile state
C Blattman, J Annan
American Political Science Review 110 (1), 1-17, 2016
How to promote order and property rights under weak rule of law? An experiment in changing dispute resolution behavior through community education
C Blattman, A Hartman, R Blair
American Political Science Review 108 (1), 100-120, 2014
Place-based interventions at scale: The direct and spillover effects of policing and city services on crime
C Blattman, DP Green, D Ortega, S Tobón
Journal of the European Economic Association 19 (4), 2022-2051, 2021
The long-term impacts of grants on poverty: Nine-year evidence from Uganda’s youth opportunities program
C Blattman, N Fiala, S Martinez
American Economic Review: Insights 2 (3), 287-304, 2020
Child combatants in northern Uganda
C Blattman, J Annan
Security and post-conflict reconstruction: dealing with fighters in the …, 2009
Women's entrepreneurship and intimate partner violence: A cluster randomized trial of microenterprise assistance and partner participation in post-conflict Uganda
EP Green, C Blattman, J Jamison, J Annan
Social Science & Medicine 133, 177-188, 2015
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Articles 1–20